Monday, February 24, 2020

Discuss Ghostwatch in relation to broadcasting's ideology of Essay

Discuss Ghostwatch in relation to broadcasting's ideology of 'liveness' and the centrality of liveness to television OR discuss broadcasting's inherent associations with haunting and the uncanny - Essay Example It has a capacity to broadcast a variety of program genres and can adapt to varying domestic and cultural contexts. It likewise shares with radio the capacity to broadcast events to mass audiences as promptly as they happen. This capacity of the television is viewed as characteristic of liveness (Davis, 2007). As society transforms and continuously becomes a witness to various historical and significant national and world events, the television has continued to develop with regard to its evolution from technological hardware transition to digital broadcasting and satellite services. The technological developments in television programming account for the creation of techno-material quality of television image of which liveness is a feature (Bourdon, 2004). This is without due regard to whether the television show was edited prior to the airing or is strictly ‘live.’ The content of television images is also influential to the concept of liveness, in which the television i mages are considered an audiovisual materiality created by technological processes (Davies, 2007). The technical and material quality of television image comprises its quality of liveness, indicating that liveness is a feature of all television images, regardless of whether the show is recorded and/or edited and strictly live (Davis, 2007). The concept of television liveness remains central to an understanding of television in general, despite a decline in the live broadcasting in the recent years (Bourdon, 2000). It is the viewer’s belief in live broadcasting which constitutes liveness, not merely an actual live performance of a show. This belief is influenced by the social context, the tele-visual text, and the audiences’ social characteristics alongside the temporal sequencing of television viewing. Liveness is not limited to the here and now of a television show, but is rather inclusive of edited shows such as non-fiction and non-live, as

Friday, February 7, 2020

The importance of entry and to deter entry in case of firms in Essay

The importance of entry and to deter entry in case of firms in different market structures - Essay Example h barriers to entry as it is necessary to prove that in monopoly a firm enjoying a high percentage of market shares can translate it into market power (ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 2007, p. 1). Both Walmart and Loblaw are engaged in same type of business activities. They will engage themselves in activities that will prevent entry of competitors. If the two competitors compete between themselves they will end up in creating barriers that will not enable themselves to diversify their business. In fact this will not be desirable outcome from the firms’ point of view and consumers’ welfare will get affected (Carlton, 2005, p.9). Strategies used by firms to deter entry The incumbent firm can involve itself in three types of strategies to deter entry. They are: Limit Pricing, Predatory pricing and capacity expansion. The strategy of limit pricing is illegal in many countries. A limit price is a strategy mainly used by the monopolists to deter entry . They used to set a price that would be faced by the entrant on entry into the market until the existing firm did not act to decrease the output. The limit price is generally set at a level which is less than the average cost of production. It can also be set at the level where entry is just not profitable. This discourages the new entrants (Roberts and Milgrom, 1982, p. 444). The second strategy is used by the incumbent by charging a price that is low relative to the price of the other products before the entry takes place. Often it appears that other firms who initially were not in the market of a certain product express their opinion to enter the market. It is the price of the product that influences their decisions. The already existing firms in the market can discourage the new entrants by... The incumbent firm can involve itself in three types of strategies to deter entry. They are Limit Pricing, Predatory pricing and capacity expansion. The strategy of limit pricing is illegal in many countries. A limit price is a strategy mainly used by the monopolists to deter entry. They used to set a price that would be faced by the entrant on entry into the market until the existing firm did not act to decrease the output. The limit price is generally set at a level which is less than the average cost of production. It can also be set at the level where entry is just not profitable. This discourages the new entrants.The second strategy is used by the incumbent by charging a price that is low relative to the price of the other products before the entry takes place. Often it appears that other firms who initially were not in the market of a certain product express their opinion to enter the market. It is the price of the product that influences their decisions. The already existing f irms in the market can discourage the new entrants by charging a low price for the products. Thus the potential entrants can be ignored and their consumer base will not be affected. If the potential entrants find it unsustainable to continue to operate in the market, they tend to move out of the business which provides a wider consumer base for the existing firms. Then the incumbent can raise the prices of the product and exploit the market power.