Friday, December 27, 2019

Benjamin Franklin And Colonial_America - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 653 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category History Essay Level High school Topics: Benjamin Franklin Essay Did you like this example? Few people in the history of the United States of America can be said to be as impactful as the founding fathers. The most impactful of those said founding fathers must be Benjamin Franklin. A politician, scientist, and revolutionary, Benjamin Franklin had done a great deal of things for the betterment of America and the betterment of the world. Born in Boston as the 10th son of the soap maker Josiah Franklin to his second wife Abiah Folger Benrs life was almost set in stone before he was of 10 years old. his father had intended for Benjamin to become a clergymen, However the funds were not in that favor. Unable to get the necessary years of schooling for the clergy Benjamin was instead sent as an apprentice to his older brother a printer by the name of James Franklin when Benjamin was 12 years old. By the time Benjamin was 15 his older brother chose to open a newspaper shop with the equipment from the printing business. The opening of his brothers newspaper was Benjamins first interaction with the public and the start of his career as a public figure. First writing articles under an alias as Silence Dogood. 14 letters later and Ben revealed to he had been the writer, to the praise of friends and the public but to the dismay of his brother who was jealous of the attention was now receiving. This would be the start of a ri ft between the two brothers and would climax so years later. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Benjamin Franklin And Colonial_America" essay for you Create order But for now the brothers were at odds with the puritan preachers, the Mathers, on the matter of immunization and general treatment for smallpox within Boston. The two brothers took the side of the public, feeling that inoculation wasnt the way to deal with the smallpox threat. However, that public support dried up fast for the Franklins after James had begun to criticize the church during the debates and in the articles. Culminating in James spreading time in jail for his views. This would be Benjaminrs first chance at real control, and as could be expected from the then young man he had kept the business floating long enough for his brother to be able to serve his time. Instead of the expected praise Ben was met with ridicule and beatings of which reopened the rift between the brothers and Ben was pressured to run away from the treatment. Although running away was a discouraged practice at the time Ben still went through with it and ended in philadelphia, Ben was lucky to be accepte d into the city and was quick to work with his skills and talents. This would be the conclusion to Benjamins young life save for his having a child in 1728 and the following Deborah Read. Benjamin Franklin coming into his middle ages was a far different man from the subservient apprentice he had been. His second phase of life was his adventures and success into the world of entrepreneurship. Not content with just a printer shop Benjamin strived for the best and opened his own general store with his wife. Even two stores were not enough for Benjamin, so he took it upon himself to enlighten the general public and improved the quality of the average citizens life with both political essays published in his newspaper and his writing of Poor Richards Almanac. The almanac was one of Benrs first major achievements for the advancement of society. The almanac was a yearly published book that contained information for the tides and astronomy. From the book came a large portion of Benjamin Franklins famous quotes such as a penny saved is a penny earned. To accompany this public service was the start of Bens involvement in fire safety, which at the time was a major fear for the c itizens of philadelphia. Followed up by his lobbying for the eventual creation of a city fire department. This and other scientific achievements

Thursday, December 19, 2019

PG India Supply Chain Analysis - 11039 Words

Supply Chain Strategy, Performance and Risks: Tools and Techniques Introduction â€Å"Our Purpose works to unify us in a common cause and growth strategy. It is powerful because it promotes a simple idea to improve the lives of the world’s consumers every day. Pamp;G grows by touching and improving more consumers’ lives in more parts of the world...more completely.† - Pamp;G â€Å"At Pamp;G, we touch lives in small but meaningful ways. Billions of them. Every day.† Procter amp; Gamble Co. is a multinational corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer goods. Globally it is one of the largest FMCG companies. Pamp;G entered Indian market four decades ago but still lags HUL and other major players whereas its entry in china has been†¦show more content†¦Indian consumers’ heterogeneity and geographical variance increases the cost of operation and makes product unaffordable to low income consumers in rural markets. Increasing population, demand by the middle class group and rising aspiration levels are the key drivers for growth in the FMCG sector. This presents an enormous opportunity for the FMCG companies to develop new products and innovative ways to bring the products to the consumers while maintaining low prices. Suppliers Manufacturers Major players in FMCG sectors are Hindustan unilever ltd., Procter amp; Gamble, Godrej consumer products, Dabur, Garnier. All these companies have a unique selling proposition targeting a specific segments. eg. Marico operates only in Hair care products, Dabur in ayurved based products. These players command a very high bargaining power because of their size and scale over their suppliers. Also the suppliers are scattered. Distributors Supermarket A number of domestic retailers like Big Bazar, subhiksha, vishal mega mart, reliance fresh, More, Spencer, opened up retail channels in the major urban centres in the last decade. Many foreign retailers like Wal-Mart, Carrefour are exploring options to enter the Indian retail market. Retailers Indian retail industry is characterized by mom and pop stores called kirana stores locally. They operate with 2-3 people in a 100-150 sq foot space in urban and semi-urban areas and kiosk in rural areas. TheseShow MoreRelatedCulture Mistakes by Pizza Hut1311 Words   |  6 Pages2010. Donovan  , R. Michael (2005).  Effective Supply Chain Management (Movahedi et al., 2009, defining supply chain management, evolution of supply chain studies Lambert, 2008) mentioned by Cooper et. al., 1997 Enclyclopedia of e-commerce (2009), definition of supply chain management 2007 – Springer; J Oleskow, M Fertsch, P Golinska, data mining as the efficient tool for the effective supply chain integration LIU.,F; study and explore the supply chain base on CRM, 10 Mar 2011   Tseng, D. S., CoxRead MoreL.L. 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SubhikshaRead MoreKudler Fine Foods: Analysis of the Market Structures and Strategic Planning1079 Words   |  4 PagesAbstract This paper presents an analysis of the market structures, strategic planning, market environment, and internal environment of Kudler Fine Food in order to suggest the best market structure which can be helpful for its long-term profitability and recommend strategies which can make it more competitive and successful among its industry rivals. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Basic Flower Arrangement free essay sample

If   you are used to working with fresh flowers, it will take some time to get used to all the possibilities and limitations when using silks. Though so similar in use, artificial flowers are an entirely different art form. The line, focal, filler technique is an excellent way to design artificial and dried flower arrangements. Horizontal Arrangements 1. Using a relatively shallow container, anchor foam with a lot of glue or use anchor pins, and position sprays of line flowers to establish the shape of the design. . Insert focal flowers in the middle so they gently droop over the lip of the container on both sides, reach towards the line material and extend on either side of the middle. Leave room for filler flowers. 3. Fill in and around focal area with filler flowers and foliage. Vertical Arrangements 1. Wedge or secure foam in a vase with hot glue. Cut the stems of the tallest flowers or leaves to reach three or four times the height of the vase. We will write a custom essay sample on Basic Flower Arrangement or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2. Place the focal flowers vertically within the diameter of the vase. . Fill in the areas as needed with filler flowers. Triangular Arrangements 1. Secure floral foam. Determine the vertical height and horizontal width with the smallest line flowers and/or leaves. Make the height higher than the width. 2. Position the largest focal flowers in the heart of the arrangement and slightly lower to give weight and balance. 3. Fill in with the filler flowers and foliage keeping within the triangular shape. Crescent Arrangements 1. Secure foam in container. Determine length of crescent and insert curved line flowers or leaves to follow the crescent form. Angle the shape to balance in the container. 2. Insert the focal flowers fairly low in the bowl to achieve balance, stability and depth. 3. Fill in around the focal flowers with smaller flowers and foliage. Place wisps of filler flowers that gracefully taper off the ends. Oval arrangements 1. Secure the floral foam. Determine the height with line flowers, then frame in the outer edges of the oval shape with light colored flowers and foliage. 2. Place the largest, strongest or brightest flowers in the focal area. 3. Fill in around the larger flowers and leaves with the filler flowers. Minimal Arrangements 1. Adhere foam to container. Insert vertical line flowers to determine the height, and secure the horizontal line flowers to give the basic outline of the arrangement. 2. Place the focal flowers. 3. Fill in with filler flowers as needed. The lazy S or Hogarths Curve 1. Anchor the foam securely. Bend the stems gently into graceful curves and insert them in place so they balance. . Add the focal flowers following the lines of the upper and lower curves. 3. Cluster filler blossoms and foliage around the central flowers maintaining the rhythm of the ‘S’. Free Standing Arrangements 1. Fill a shallow container with foam that extends one inch over the top. Secure the foam with hot glue, floral clay or floral tape. Define the shape of the design with the line flowers and leaves. 2. Place the focal flowers and leaves, t urning the vase as you go so all the sides are even. 3. Add filler flowers to integrate the design.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Role of teacher free essay sample

The role of teachers as nation builders The role of teachers in the building of a nation can not be ignored. It is they who Influence the immature minds of the youth and tries to mould the living stuff Into various forms. It is they on who depends the future of the nation. Hence, they are the most Important part of the society. In the past, teachers were considered respectable figures even by the kings and the emperors, because only teachers were there to gulde and advice them in hours of crisis. They were the true benefactors of the society. With the change of time they lost their dlgnlty to some extent. Still, they are onsidered the backbone of a nation, and a society. Teachers are the real gulde of the students. With their deep knowledge of the subject and teaching technique they can Impart valuable Information to the students. They can gulde them towards noble deeds, studies, health, and cleanliness and above all the moral values of life. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of teacher or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page All these qualities enable a child to grow into an ideal citizen of his/her nation. Teachers are considered the noblest section of the society. This increases their responsibility towards nation and the students to a great extent; they must be dedicated to the service of the students. Their own actions and high ideas about life can easily shape the young minds into good personalities and responsible citizens of tomorrow. They are a guiding light for students throughout their lives. The importance of the role of the teachers as an agent of change, promoting understanding and tolerance has become more obvious today. This places enormous responsibilites on teachers who participate in the moulding of the character and minds of the new generation. Now days, the whole scenario has been changed. Teachers and parents are engaged in blaming each other. Parents are displeased with them because their sons and aughters do not do well in the examination. Teachers blame the parents that they do not pay much attention on their wards due to lack of time. Even we do not find any accord between the teachers and the students. The overall result is that the students have become aggressive, bold and daring- They are less concerned with their studies and think more about other activities. The teachers become helpless at this juncture. This leads to dissatisfaction and frustration among them. They do not get proper respect from the students. In addition to this, the teachers are not paid highly and regularly. This makes their situation miserable. It Is necessary to Improve the conditions of the teachers. Only then they will continue their Job with full vigour and zeal. Only then they will discharge their duty towards the students as well as the nation In true sense of the term. Only then their potentlalltles will shine In the new generation, the real hope of the nation. Role of teacher By kamalik67 influence the immature minds of the youth and tries to mould the living stuff into most important part of the society. In the past, teachers were considered respectable guide and advice them in hours of crisis. They were the true benefactors of the society. With the change of time they lost their dignity to some extent. Still, they are considered the backbone of a nation, and a society. Teachers are the real guide of can impart valuable information to the students. They can guide them towards noble deeds, studies, health, and cleanliness and above ail the moral values of life. All and think more about other activities. The teachers become helpless at this Juncture. regularly. This makes their situation miserable. It is necessary to improve the nation in true sense of the term. Only then their potentialities will shine in the new Role of Teacher free essay sample This article is about an essay on the important role of teachers in curing students indiscipline. Today there is a general complaint against what is called student indiscipline. Student indiscipline is largely a function in mathematical term. Unless teacher functions as a real Guru respected by the public and assured of a proper competence and a worthy status in the public eye the problem of indiscipline cannot be adequately dealt with. Respect is commanded and not demanded is an old saying. Hence true leadership is the approach and the same is not to be found in the eacher. He does not command respect and affection which he used to during the past. During the past political stir, the student was dragged into the field, but there was nobody to lead him in the right direction. His teacher was neglected. It is a painful truth that the teacher was allowed to suffer a social and economic set back. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Teacher or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hence he could not but care more for his bread than to lead the students. The teacher has been crying for a reasonable payment and he has been promised in high philosophical vocabulary from high pupils. How can you expect from a frustrated eacher to discharge his Job in a satisfactory manner? The loss of personal contact between the teacher and the taught has also been one of the causes. Undue emphasis on examinations has turned the teacher into a mere agent for preparing the pupils for examinations. As such he has no say in educational set up. Private tuition is unavoidable for him. The economic deprivation keeps abler people away from the profession. Economic difficulties have been telling upon the performance of the student also. In the past, the student community used to come from the well to do class. They never had any economic hardship. There number was too small. But at present, numbers have shot up very high. Many students are required to earn their livelihood partially or wholly throughout their school and college career. They do not have balanced mind and hence there is indiscipline. The student suffers from bitterness and resentment of these economic difficulties. The standard of living too is too low. He often find miserable conditions around him and lives in unhealthy and congested surroundings. Over emphasis has so far been laid on the examinations. The pupil is Judged by the result of the final examination which is more often a test of memories than of understanding or Judgment. It encourages a tendency for a adopting unfair means as a short-cut to succeed. As the disease of indiscipline has become chronic, it will take considerable time for a complete cure. The proper physician is the Guru who can efficiently deal with the case. But he should be well equipped and free from all difficulties which have been coming in the way of his mission. The new teacher should be a very tactful guide of the student. He should be n affectionate elder and a sincere friend. The teacher should not be aggressive; it is always against the law of nature and results in revolt. It is quite sound opinion when some say that for improvement in education, there should be improvement in the teachers economic and social status. They say, increasing the professional competence of teachers will solve the problem. Others lay emphasis on idealism. This is very good. Let us foster it among the teaching community. It is a step to raise the social status of primary teachers by giving them Presidential Awards in

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Pop Culture Essays (1122 words) - American People Of German Descent

Pop Culture In Risk and Blame, Anthropologist Mary Douglas describes the cultural basis for witch hunts in traditional societies. Whether the witch is able to do harm or not, the attribution of a hidden power to hurt is a weapon of attack against them....A successful accusation is one that has enough credibility for a public outcry to remove the opportunity of repeating the damage. A moral panic starts with an unspeakable tragedy which sparks an attempt to ascribe blame and responsibility. Initially, accusations flow freely but focus on those targets who are already the subject of anxiety. Once one accusation sticks, it becomes easier to pile on charges. Our rush to judgement overwhelms our ability to rationally assess the evidence. Our need to take action supersedes our ability to anticipate consequences. Moral panic shuts down self-examination at the very moment when real problems demand careful consideration. Several weeks after the shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, the United States Senate Commerce Committee launched a series of hearings, chaired by Sen. Sam Brownback ,on the marketing of violent entertainment to children. Introducing the investigation, Brownback explained, We are not here to point fingers but to identify the causes of cultural pollution and seek solutions. The phrase, cultural pollution, of course, already presumed a consensus that popular culture was a worthless iritant which was to blame for various social harms. Brownback was prepared to sweep aside constitutional protections: We are having endless debates about First and Second Amendment rights while our children are being killed and traumatized. Brownback focused his ire on forms of popular culture that met youth rather than adult tastes: I am willing to bet that there aren't many adults who are huge fans of teen slasher movies or the music of Cannibal Corpse and Marilyn Manson. Sen. Orin H atch declared Manson's music tremendously offensive to everyone in America who thinks, a category that seemingly does not include a significant number of high school and college students. William Bennett, former Secretary of Education and self-proclaimed guardian of American virtue, called on Congress to make meaningful distinctions between works that used violence to tell a larger story such as Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, or Clear and Present Danger, and works that gratuitously exploited violence, such as The Basketball Diaries, Cruel Intentions, or Scream. His commonsense distinction was at heart an ideological one, separating works that offered adult perspectives from those which expressed youth concerns. Though they understood the hearings as a ritual humiliation of the entertainment industries, the senators were feeding a cultural war which was more and more focused on teenagers. As a GOP operative Mike Murphy explained in that week's Time, we need Goth control, not gun control. Hatch engaged in homophobic banter about whether Manson was a he or a she while Brownback accused members of the Goth subculture of giving themselves over to the dark side. Such comments reinforced bigotry and fear. Adult fears about popular culture were being transfered towards those people who consumed it. The Goths were a relatively small subculture whose members drew inspiration from Romantic literature and constructed their personal identity by borrowing from the iconography of the horror film and S/M pornography. The group could claim a twenty year history without much public attention because they had previously not been associated with violent crime. However, the Columbine shooters had been mistaking ly identified in some early news reports as Goths and as a result, this group had been singled out in the post-Littleton backlash. From the outset, Congress was unlikely to set federal policies to regulate media content, which would not have sustained constitutional scrutiny. They counted on public pressure to intimidate the entertainment industry into voluntarily withdrawing controversial works from circulation. Manson canceled some concerts. MGM stopped selling The Basketball Diaries. The Warner Brothers Network withheld the airing of the season finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer until midsummer. The biggest impact of the moral panic, however, would be felt in the schools - both public and private - as teachers and administrators increasingly saw their students as threats to public safety and suspected popular culture of turning good kids into brutal monsters. Online journalist Jon Katz's remarkable series, Voices from the Hellmouth, circulated hundreds

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Name Meaning and Origin of Christensen

Name Meaning and Origin of Christensen Christensen literally means son of Christen, a common Danish variant of the given name Christian, which derives from the  Greek word xÏ ÃŽ ¹ÃÆ'Ï„Î ¹ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ½ÃÅ'Ï‚Â  (christianos), meaning follower of Christ. In Norway and Sweden, the -son variations such as Christenson and Kristenson are more common. Christensen is the 6th most popular surname in Denmark. Surname Origin:  Danish, Norwegian, North German Alternate Surname Spellings:  KRISTENSEN, CRESTENSEN, KRESTENSEN, CHRISTENSEN, KHRISTENSEN, CHRISTENSON, KRISTENSON, CHRISTIANSEN, KRISTIANSEN Famous People With the Surname Carlos Hugo Christensen, Argentine screenwriter, film director, and producerHelena Christensen, Danish supermodelHayden Christensen, Canadian-American actor and producerTom Kristensen, Danish poet, novelist, and journalist Genealogy Resources for the Surname Search Strategies for Common Last NamesUse these strategies for locating ancestors with common names like Christensen to help you research your CHRISTENSEN ancestors online. FamilySearch - CHRISTENSEN GenealogyAccess free historical records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Christensen surname. Source: Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Role of Religion in Contemporary Irish Society Essay

The Role of Religion in Contemporary Irish Society - Essay Example Contemporary sociologists have judged that â€Å"any sociological study of Ireland must reflect the importance of religion in the shaping of our contemporary society, its continuing relevance in terms of everyday social life and the still central role of religious institutions† (Tovey and Share, 2003, p. 384). This observation, however, runs counter to the belief that was a cultural shift in all Western societies which started in the period of the Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, which introduced a whole new set of scientific tools. Max Weber, Émile Durkheim and other early proponents of the new discipline of sociology described evidence of a shift away from religion and towards rationalisation. The term â€Å"secularization† is used to describe this change, and the â€Å"secularization thesis† is a belief that religion will slowly fade in the face of new scientific, and by implication better, ways of seeing the world. This paper shows, however, that there is evidence in the recent history and sociology of Ireland to prove that the secularization thesis does not hold, since contemporary Ireland fully reflects modern cultural trends and yet it is by no means an increasingly secular country. Origins of the secularization thesis. In the Middle Ages, a Christia n world view dominated the whole of Europe, with close links being maintained between Church and State, and other religions such as Judaism and Islam being classed as outsiders. Secular monarchs reigned in the firm belief that they had a divine right to rule, and they often used their powers to enhance the dominance of the Christian Church, leading to the Crusades and the demonization of other faiths and other nation states. The reformation polarised Catholic and Protestant branches of Christianity so that in Europe, at least, religion became associated with conflict between factions within Europe. Ireland played a decisive role in the early stages of the Christian colonisation of Europe, and Ireland’s continual loyalty to Rome in the face of British rebellion is a reflection of political differences as much as it is a religious position. The relationship between Church and State remains close in Ireland, since there was no split between the monarch and Rome, and this explain s the influence that religions continues to have at the present time on Irish political and social affairs. In Victorian Britain and Imperial Germany the protestant work ethic was credited with producing the beginnings of the capitalist system, and Karl Marx theorized religion in this context as a logical an necessary part of this culture of trade and industry. In the analyses of Marx, Engels and Lenin, religion was a thriving force to be reckoned with, and they very much supported the underlying motivations that led people to put their faith in it: â€Å"Religion is a many-faceted reflection of the real world, including deep-seated human needs for security, consolation, and beauty. They (Marx, Engels and Lenin) do not want to take away from people the solace, comfort of beauty that religion brings to their lives †¦ religious beliefs are not merely illusory; they stand in the way of man’s mastering both nature and his social relations in the interests of a better and fu ller life† ( Selsam and Martel, 1987, p. 225). A combination of these political ideas,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Free Agency is a Chimera Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Free Agency is a Chimera - Essay Example No loving mother ever set out to become an alcoholic of her own free will. Free will would dictate otherwise. Yet, she is driven down the road of addiction by forces outside herself and nudged along, not by free will, but by motives dictated by complex situations and self-serving self-defense. The drive toward self-defense can be demonstrated in man's overriding will of self-preservation. The belief in a soul serves to give hope that a part of us will survive our own death. Yet, man will go to the depths of human depravity in an attempt to insure self-preservation of the human body. Cannibalism, betrayal, and murder have all been witnessed when men have been faced with the death of their own body. If free agency existed, it would alter our actions in these cases and result in more acceptable behavior. Our actions are not driven by free agency but are the result of self-defense and the desire to gain advantage. We obey the law because it is to our advantage, not because we make a free choice to do so. In the complexity of decisions we are confronted with, the action we take is based on the force that pushes us down a path of maximum gain and minimum harm. Even the apparently selfless action of giving to charity is taken to provide the self with satisfaction.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Avian Flu Virus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Avian Flu Virus - Essay Example Moreover, it has been known that this H5N1 virus is able to infect other animals other than birds and pigs, such as, cats and larger felines, and transmission of infection from other animals to human may occur unknowingly. An article published in the Journal of Virology in the year 2005, titled "Avian Influenza (H5N1) Viruses Isolated from Humans in Asia in 2004 Exhibit Increased Virulence in Mammals" and researched by Maines and co-workers investigates this in an isolate of the virus of the H5N1 strain, isolated from 2004 Asian epidemic, and in this work, that article will be critiqued. Research Questions: As is apparent from the epidemiologic patterns of the outbreak of these H5N1 infections, the virulence factors responsible for human disease need to be elucidated. The problem remains that the virulence factors of H5N1 viruses is poorly understood from the biologic and molecular perspectives, this being an avian virus transmitted to humans. It points to the need for mammalian models of studies, and since there is evidence that mammalian experiments in nonhuman primates such as ferrets and mice have been studied for influenza virus pathogenesis and other nonhuman mammals may also serve as carriers for human virus, nonhuman primate studies may serve as an acceptable model. In these models, the relative virulence of the H5N1 isolated from 2003-2004 outbreaks in both humans and avian species can be studied, and the authors can have the advantage of comparing them with earlier 1997 H5N1 human isolates to compare the virulence of the virus, so a molecular or biologic c orrelate is available that may be applied in the management of human epidemics. Relevance of the Question: From the public health point of view, the circulation of H5N1 virus in the poultry may cause more human cases with human-avian reassortant pandemics. Epidemiologic observations have demonstrated that from the time of first recognition and isolation, the virulence of this strain is increasing markedly over the years in terms of mortality and case fatality rates. Although the clinical presentations of the human cases were usual in the form of fever, respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, lymphopenia, and thrombocytopenia, in rare occasions, they indeed presented with just fever and gastrointestinal symptoms. This could have indicated a change in the pattern of virulence, despite the pattern of fatality remaining the same, that is, development of pneumonia with critical compromise in gas exchange, leading to respiratory failure and death despite assisted ventilations. Research in this area is necessary since there is a paucity of research answering this question abou t how an infection with this virus leads to acute respiratory distress and multiple organ dysfunctions in humans. Although studies in mammalian models do have constraints from the practical, ethical, and economic perspectives, it could be a valid option since ferret is a naturally susceptible host to influenza A virus, has been used in previous studies to evaluate H5N1 virulence and safety and efficacy of vaccine candidate preparations. Moreover, the same authors previously studied H5N1 virus virulence in ferrets and they have valid criteria for assessment, where they demonstrated earlier equivalence in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Compare Windows And Linux Operating Systems Computer Science Essay

Compare Windows And Linux Operating Systems Computer Science Essay An Operating system is software that lets the user interface with the computer and also manages number of applications. Most number of PCs has built in Operating system installed. Operating systems created to take control of the operations of applications such as email programs, word processors and web browsers. Straight after the computer is switched on the operating system needs to be loaded into the RAM before any other program can be run. Operating system is automatically loaded into RAM as soon as the PC turns on which is done by the boot strap loader which is stored in the PCs ROM chip. All the Operating systems perform basic functions such as: Managing resources These applications coordinate all of the PCs resources which include keyboard, printer, monitor, mouse, storage devices and memory. Operating system manages to perform a file structure on the computers hard drive where the data can be saved or retrieved. When a particular data is saved, the Operating system saves the data and attaches a name to the data and remembers where the data was saved for any future use. File system is the way the Operating systems organizes the information into files. Almost all the Operating systems use hierarchical file system which organizes the files into folders under a tree structure which makes it easy for the user to get the data. Providing a user interface -.Users interact with programs and hardware trough user interface. Most of the Operating systems provide the GUI which is graphic user interface where graphic objects or icons are used to represent commonly used features. Running applications -These are the programs which load and run applications such as spread sheets and word processors. Almost all the operating systems support multitasking where more than one application can be run at the same time. When a user is requesting the application to be open the operating system locates the program and loads it into the RAM. If more programs are loaded the operating system must allocate the computer resources. Support for built in utility programs -The operating system uses the utility program to identify problems, repair damaged files, locate lost files and back up data. This makes the easy for the user as the operating system does the hard work by solving the problem where the user just has to wait for the result. Control to the computer hardware -The operating system is in the middle of the programs and the BIOS. Bios controls the hardware, but all programs that need hardware resources has to go through the operating system. Operating system can access the hardware through BIOS. Task 2 B M1 Report that compares the features and functions of two different operating systems by reviewing the features and functions and present a comparison of the two summarising their respective strengths and weaknesses in context. I am going to compare windows and Linux operating systems. Introduction Windows -It is an operating system software and GUI produced by Microsoft. Microsoft released their first windows operating system in 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing popularity of the graphical user interfaces. Windows dominated the Personal computers around the world when it came out in the market which overtook MacOS which was launched in 1984. By October 2009 windows had roughly 91% of the market share of the client operating systems for the use on the internet. The latest release client version of windows is windows 7, the latest release server version is Server 2008R2 and the latest release of mobile operating system is windows phone 7. Linux Linux refers to the family of Unix-like PC Operating system using Linux kernel. Linux can be installed in number of different computers and video game consoles, to mainframes and supercomputers. Linux is the top server operating system, accounting for more than 50% of installations and runs on the fastest top 10 supercomputers in the world. Using Linux in desktops has increased in recent years. The name Linux comes from Linux kernel, created in 1991 by Linux Trovalds. Comparison of the two operating systems Out of these two operating systems windows is the most famous OS, whereas Linux is the most famous OS that is free. The two OS compete against each other for user-base in the PC market as well as the server market, which are also used in schools, business offices, intranet and internet servers, homes, government offices, supercomputers, and embedded systems. Windows are top in the personal computer and desktop markets with approximately 90% of the desktop market share, and accounted for about 66% of all servers sold in the year 2007. In the server market share windows received 36.3% and Linux received 12.7%. By November 2007, Linux OS powered 85% of the worlds powerful supercomputers where compared to windows 1.4%. Linux and windows are different in the cost, versatility and stability with each looking to get better in their superficial weak areas. Normally, some major areas of superficial weakness usually cited have included the poor out-of-box usability of the Linux desktop for the mass-market and vulnerability to malware windows. Both are areas of fast development in both sides. Linux is not a complete operating system when you compare it to Windows operating environment. Linux doesnt have built-in GUI interface. Users are free to use the former windows graphic user interface with Linux where each provides a different look and feel. Functions Windows offers much easier user interface called graphic interface unlike Linux, where it only has one GUI for users to choose from. These facts in some cases could make the using of the OS much easier as the user can choose what they are comfortable with. One of the advantages of Linux is that it comes from multiple choices of GUIs so that it can help provide an easy starting ground for either windows or Mac users. Both windows and Linux allow hardware to successfully communicate with the software in similar way. But however the Linux has some compatibility problems which can cause trouble when trying to install hardware drivers. Whereas the being one of the top OS in the world are finding that hardware drivers is a push over. Security Windows are more infective to a virus then Linux as windows is the most attacked OS in the world. And most the viruses arent even compatible with Linux hence making Linux inherently safer. Performance The performance reduces massively in windows simply because windows takes to much power unlike Linux which doesnt use much power to work, which means that there is much more power available to be used for the user of Linux which makes the performance faster. Stability Because of the work all around the world by the millions of users of Linux which have full and free access to the source code where they are trying to make Linux more stable unlike the few 100,000 windows techs with a licence to modify the windows source code. Also the fact that the Linux OS has more consistent fileling system and Linux also dont use much processor power to run which automatically makes the Linux OS a more stable OS. Cost You have to pay for all the Windows operating systems unlike the Linux operating systems which are free and full access. You can also download the Linux software for free unlike the windows operating system where you have to pay. Usability -Windows operating systems are one of the easiest operating system to use because of the lack of things you can do with it along with legal problems. Windows is also more spread operating system then Linux so it has the better hand when it comes to personal computing. Linux is also easy but the users arent confident enough so are not willing to use the free Linux OS. Conclusion- After researching about these two operating systems along with the points that i have made I believe that Linux is the better operating system then windows with better benefit, However as far as the hardware is concerned windows doesnt have the skill to work on the Power PC processors, unlike Linux. Linux would be one of the growing operating systems in the world which would be the main rivals of windows in the future. Here is a Comparison table Linux Windows Price Most of the Linux operating systems are free and lower costing then windows. Windows operating systems can be bought around the price of $50 to $150 per each licence copy. Ease Linux has massively improved in their usability but windows are much easier for new computer users. Microsoft have made lots of changes and have made it much more easier to use the operating system, but it still might not be the easiest software to use but is definitely easier than Linux. Reliability Most of the Linux systems are Especially reliable and can run for moths and years without having to reboot it. Windows has made some fabulous improvements to their Reliability in their last versions of windows but its still not better than Linux. Software Linux does have number of software, utilities and games available but it cant compare to the large amount of software windows has. Because there are more people using windows around the world there are more software, utilities and games available in windows. Software Cost Many of the software, utilities and games are freeware or open source. Most of them are free and some of them cost really less then compared to windows. Windows also has software, utilities and games for free but majority of the programs will cost around $20 to $200. Hardware Linux and hardware manufactures have made great improvements for Linux and will support most hardware devices, whoever there are many different companies that still do not offer drivers for their hardware. Windows has much more support from the hardware manufactures for windows hardware devices because of the large amount of windows users. Security Linux always has been safe and secure but it can also be attacked but when you compare it to windows Linux is much safer. Although windows has made vast improvements to their security but still continues to be venerable to the viruses. Support Linux has large amounts of help online or books around the world to help any user. Same with windows also has large amount of help to their users with books, documentation guides help centre etc. Name Linux Windows Creator Linus Torvalds, et al. Microsoft First public release 1992 1993 Predecessor Unix[g 2], Minix [g 3 MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows 3.x Latest stable version Linux kernel; GNU C Library 2.11 Windows 7 (NT 6.1.7600) Latest release date 2010 2009 Cost/ Availability Free Home Basic (Retail) $99.95, Home Premium (Retail) $119.95, Business (Retail) $299.95, Ultimate (Retail) $300.95[1] Preferred licence GNU GPL, GNU LGPL and other licenses Proprietary Target system type Comparison of Linux distributions Workstation, Personal computer, Media center, Tablet PC, Embedded system Computer architectures supported x86, x86-64, PPC, SPARC, Alpha, others x86, x86-64, IA-64 File systems supported ext2, ext3, ext4, ReiserFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, and others NTFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF; 3rd-party drivers support ext2, ext3, reiserfs[t 8], and HFS Kernel type Monolithic with modules Hybrid Source lines of code ~ 9 million (Kernel) lines of code for userland applications vary depending on the distribution ~45 million GUI default is on No Yes Package management MSI, custom installers Update management Windows Update Native APIs POSIX Win32, NT API Non-native APIs supported through subsystems UNIX, Mono, Java, Win16, Win32 DOS API, Win16 (only in 32-bit versions), POSIX, .NET

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Eleanor Roosevelt Essay example -- essays research papers fc

Eleanor Roosevelt was a honest person who had responsibility and compassion towards her husband , family and her fellow man, whatever their social status. She used great citizenship and initiative actions in dealing with anyone who was fortunate enough to make her acquaintance. Eleanor Roosevelt is an outspoken advocate of social justice. During the years she has taken over a lot of responsibility. For someone who spent thefirst third of her life as shy and timid, she showed great courage once she was thrust into the presidential â€Å"spotlight†. Most Americans considered her a true â€Å"American Hero†. â€Å"Ladies and gentlemen, members of the press, I now announce the presence of our first lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt†, is something similar to what you would hear when being addressed at a press conference or important meetings. She was a well respected human being, achieving great duties and responsibility in life. She was appointed by President John F. Kennedy to be on the first peace corps advisory board. She was such an active lady while her husband was in office that she was no longer willing to stay quietly in the background of her husband. She took a job as an editor and advertising manager of a monthly publication â€Å" The Women’s Democratic News† where she became more independent towards herself and work. Eleanor Roosevelt became very involved in women issues, being that she also joined the newly organized Women’s division of the New York State Democratic party and moved swiftly into positions of leadership. Not only was she responsible among organizations and people, she later became her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s eyes and ears, dedicating her life to his purposes, being a trusted and tireless reporter. One of the reasons she did become so helpful towards her husbands career was besides the fact that she was the first lady, Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken with a disease called polio and caused him to be permanently crippled in August of 1921. She then became even more loyal to him and our country having to deal with people from different nations, organizations and positions. While the President struggled to regain the use of his legs, Eleanor Roosevelt and Louis Howe joined forces to keep his political and business contacts alive. She became a powerful voice for youth employment and civil right... ...u can remember how she showed great compassion to her work and life. How loyal she was to the people of our nation. What great responsibility’s she consummated and what respect she gave and received from and to so many. Works Cited Diller, Daniel C. & Robertson, Stephen .L â€Å" The Presidents, First Ladies and Vice Presidents. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 1959. Collier Encyclopedia: Copyright 1989 Cook, Blanche Wiesen : Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume One New York: Vikking 1992 Eleanor Roosevelt: This is My Story New York: Harper & Bros., 1937 On My Own New York: Harper & Bros., 1949 Http:// Lash, Joseph P. : Eleanor and Franklin: The Story of Their Relationship Based on Eleanor Roosevelt’s Private Papers. New York: W.W. Norton, 1971 Lash, Joseph P. : Eleanor Roosevelt: A friend’s Memoir. Garden City, N.Y Lorena Hickok : Eleanor Roosevelt: Reluctan First Lady New York: Dodd, Mead 1962 Young’s , J. Williams T. : Eleanor Roosevelt: A Personal a Public Life Boston: Little, Brown, 1985

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fireweed Essay

Baluta and some of his family have moved from Liberia in Africa. It is properly a result of a war caused by â€Å"blood diamantes†. We are not told which country Baluta moved to, but it’s an English speaking country. Baluta speaks and understands English very well. That properly means he has lived there for a couple of years. He is earning his money by working as a carpenter. But that doesn’t make him a millionaire. As you already can sense in the start of the story, it’s showed by, they cannot afford a new and bigger bed or a new car or anything else that could make their lives more pleasant. Another sign is that he lives with his brother and sister-of-law. And they all have to share one bathroom. Baluta is the only one in the family who goes to work by car because there is no bus to the place he works. He doesn’t like that fact; that the rest of the family has to get up very early to take the bus, he wishes that they all could have a car even if it’s an old and used one. Witch also is something that could indicate that the family doesn’t have a lot of money. The story is easy to understand, but doesn’t contains many descriptions of the environment so in that case we have to guess a bit. But it contains a lot of flashbacks to Baluta’s life in Liberia. All these flashbacks appear because something from Baluta’s life in the new country reminds him of something and someone from his life in Liberia. The first flashback appears when he is taking a cold bath in the morning. â€Å"Cold like Kpatawee Falls back home in Liberia, Baluta thought†. And at that point he knows that the day is going to be a day he will remember for the rest of his life. The story stretches over a single day, it is written in third person. In the beginning of the essay Baluta wakes up from a nightmare. In the nightmare he sees his sister Alanso stirrers at him from the dead. It seems like his sister’s death had given him a harsh time. The Maine theme could very well be exactly like that †losses and memories†. Baluta tries to keep all his focus on the work, but he gets distracted because of the flashbacks reminding him of something from his life in Liberia that’s if it is a good or a bad memory. One day when he is at work her hears a conversation between a wife and her husband, the wife is yelling at her husband, because he can’t find the specific wall paint colour â€Å"fireweed† and the wife only wants that colour in their house. When he hears the word â€Å"fireweed† it is reminding him of a specific day his grandma would give him some of it, because she would punish him for something bad he had done. Fireweed it is a plant that grows among others in North Africa and in the Middle East. But he never gets his punishment, because when he was on his way back home, and their shanty once appears in the horizon, he sees his family are attacked by men in jeeps with guns and machetes. He watches his father hanging from a tree, his grandma in a blood puddle of her own on the ground. We don’t get to know Baluta’s age in the story. We neither hear of a wife or kids so he could be relatively young man. Baluta is well-mannered to the people he works for, and for everyone else, and when he talks to the women he refers to them with ‘miss’. Baluta is not an easy name to pronounce so he has decided to call himself Joel when he is at work. Baluta is a nice and good person, an example of that is as earlier mentioned, he feels bad because he needs to take the car to work when his family has to take the bus. That makes us believe that is a good minded person. Generally Baluta he is a good person and good at his job and puts others before himself.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Third Voyage of Christopher Columbus

The Third Voyage of Christopher Columbus After his famous 1492 voyage of discovery, Christopher Columbus was commissioned to return a second time, which he did with a large-scale colonization effort which departed from Spain in 1493. Although the second journey had many problems, it was considered successful because a settlement was founded: it would eventually become Santo Domingo, capital of the present-day Dominican Republic. Columbus served as governor during his stay in the islands. The settlement needed supplies, however, so Columbus returned to Spain in 1496. Preparations for the Third Voyage Columbus reported to the crown upon his return from the New World. He was dismayed to learn that his patrons, Ferdinand and Isabella, would not allow the taking of slaves in the newly discovered lands. As he had found little gold or precious commodities for which to trade, he had been counting on selling native slaves to make his voyages lucrative. The King and Queen of Spain allowed Columbus to organize a third trip to the New World with the goal of resupplying the colonists and continuing the search for a new trade route to the Orient. The Fleet Splits Upon departure from Spain in May of 1498, Columbus split his fleet of six ships: three would make for Hispaniola immediately to bring desperately needed supplies, while the other three would aim for points south of the already explored Caribbean to search for more land and perhaps even the route to the Orient that Columbus still believed to be there. Columbus himself captained the latter ships, being at heart an explorer and not a governor. Doldrums and Trinidad Columbus’ bad luck on the third voyage began almost immediately. After making slow progress from Spain, his fleet hit the doldrums, which is a calm, hot stretch of ocean with little or no wind. Columbus and his men spent several days battling heat and thirst with no wind to propel their ships. After a while, the wind returned and they were able to continue. Columbus veered to the north, because the ships were low on water and he wanted to resupply in the familiar Caribbean. On July 31, they sighted an island, which Columbus named Trinidad. They were able to resupply there and continue exploring. Sighting South America For the first two weeks of August  1498, Columbus and his small fleet explored the Gulf of Paria, which separates Trinidad from mainland South America. In the process of this exploration, they discovered the Island of Margarita as well as several smaller islands. They also discovered the mouth of the Orinoco River. Such a mighty freshwater river could only be found on a continent, not an island, and the increasingly religious Columbus concluded that he had found the site of the Garden of Eden. Columbus fell ill around this time and ordered the fleet to head to Hispaniola, which they reached on August 19. Back in Hispaniola In the roughly two years since Columbus had been gone, the settlement on Hispaniola had seen some rough times. Supplies and tempers were short and the vast wealth that Columbus had promised settlers while arranging the second voyage had failed to appear. Columbus had been a poor governor during his brief tenure (1494-1496) and the colonists were not happy to see him. The settlers complained bitterly, and Columbus had to hang a few of them in order to stabilize the situation. Realizing that he needed help governing the unruly and hungry settlers, Columbus sent to Spain for assistance. Francisco de Bobadilla Responding to rumors of strife and poor governance on the part of Columbus and his brothers, the Spanish crown sent Francisco de Bobadilla to Hispaniola in 1500. Bobadilla was a nobleman and a knight of the Calatrava order, and he was given broad powers by the Spanish crown, superseding those of Colombus. The crown needed to rein in the unpredictable Colombus and his brothers, who in addition to being tyrannical governors were also suspected of improperly gathering wealth. In 2005, a document was found in the Spanish archives: it contains first-hand accounts of the abuses of Columbus and his brothers. Columbus Imprisoned Bobadilla arrived in August 1500, with 500 men and a handful of native slaves that Columbus had brought to Spain on a previous voyage: they were to be freed by royal decree. Bobadilla found the situation as bad as he had heard. Columbus and Bobadilla clashed: because there was little love for Columbus among the settlers, Bobadilla was able to clap him and his brothers in chains and throw them in a dungeon. In October 1500, the three Columbus brothers were sent back to Spain, still in shackles. From getting stuck in the doldrums to being shipped back to Spain as a prisoner, Columbus’ Third Voyage was a fiasco. Aftermath and Importance Back in Spain, Columbus was able to talk his way out of trouble: he and his brothers were freed after spending only a few weeks in prison. After the first voyage, Columbus had been granted a series of important titles and concessions. He was appointed Governor and Viceroy of the newly discovered lands and was given the title of Admiral, which would pass to his heirs. By 1500, the Spanish crown was beginning to regret this decision, as Columbus had proven to be a very poor governor and the lands he had discovered had the potential to be extremely lucrative. If the terms of his original contract were honored, the Columbus family would eventually siphon off a great deal of wealth from the crown. Although he was freed from prison and most of his lands and wealth were restored, this incident gave the crown the excuse they needed to strip Columbus of some of the costly concessions that they had originally agreed to. Gone were the positions of Governor and Viceroy and the profits were reduced as well. Columbus’ children later fought for the privileges conceded to Columbus with mixed success, and legal wrangling between the Spanish crown and the Columbus family over these rights would continue for some time. Columbus’ son Diego would eventually serve for a time as Governor of Hispaniola due to the terms of these agreements. The disaster that was the third voyage essentially brought to a close the Columbus Era in the New World. While other explorers, such as Amerigo Vespucci, believed that Columbus had found previously unknown lands, he stubbornly held to the claim that he had found the eastern edge of Asia and that he would soon find the markets of India, China, and Japan. Although many at court believed Columbus to be mad, he was able to put together a fourth voyage, which if anything was a bigger disaster than the third one. The fall of Columbus and his family in the New World created a power vacuum, and the King and Queen of Spain quickly filled it with Nicols de Ovando, a Spanish nobleman who was appointed governor. Ovando was a cruel but effective governor who ruthlessly wiped out native settlements and continued the exploration of the New World, setting the stage for the Age of Conquest. Sources: Herring, Hubert. A History of Latin America From the Beginnings to the Present.. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1962 Thomas, Hugh. Rivers of Gold: The Rise of the Spanish Empire, from Columbus to Magellan. New York: Random House, 2005.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Adult Education in Delaware

Adult Education in Delaware If you are a resident of the state of Delaware and are interested in learning as an adult, whether you yearn for a GED, a degree, an advanced degree, to learn English as a second language, or to pursue lifelong learning, youve got a whole lot of choices. The state has an abundance of resources available to you. Delaware Department of Education The place to start is at the Delaware Department of Education, known as DEDOE. Our link will take you to the Student page, which includes links to specific kinds of education for students of all ages, but in this list youll find adult-specific links for information about adult learning, career and technical student organizations, higher education, and private business and trade schools. On the Federal and State Programs page, youll find a ton of links, including one to a very cool site called Tech Prep Delaware, designed to help prepare you for almost any kind of career. If you want to return to school to learn a trade, this is your place to start. Adult education encompasses a broad range of learning, from GED and workforce training to graduate degrees and lifelong learning. Youll find links for all of these. College and Workforce Readiness College and Workforce Readiness, part of the Delaware Department of Education (DEDOE, also has lots of career and technical resources, in addition to prison education info. Another good resource. The Delaware Skills Center The Delaware Skills Center is another great resource. Its all about vocational technical training and offers courses in nursing, electrical, welding, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), construction, and computer sciences. The center has been around since 1962, providing skills training and job placement for 9,500 graduates. It works closely with Delaware business and develops curricula that matches what Delaware businesses need, so job placement is high. Sounds like a winning formula. Delaware Center for Distance Adult Learning The Delaware Center for Distance Adult Learning, known as DCDAL, focuses on helping adults get their high school diploma or GED, and transition to college. Its mission is to provide a personalized program with quality instruction and support to enable adult learners to become more effective employees, family members, and community participants. This center is closely associated the the James H. Groves Adult High School, which has seven centers throughout the state of Delaware. New Start New Start is an adult learning program for residents of lower New Castle County. Its free, and it offers help with reading, writing, speaking and math. Youll find a ton of information about tutors, which is very attractive to many adult learners. County Info Each county in Delaware has its own programs for adult education. Be sure to check the resources and programs in the county in which you live. And dont forget your local community colleges and universities. You might be surprised how many adult students are on campus. Look for the counselors office and get all your questions answered in the right place. Other Resources Delaware Adult Community Education NetworkEducational Resources for Delaware from ed.govDelaware Works, a workforce investment boardPrivate Schools in Delaware Good luck!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Causes of delay in public sector construction projects in Saudi Arabia Research Proposal

Causes of delay in public sector construction projects in Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example ave been increasingly plagued by lengthy and frequent delays that seem to have become more prevalent after the regulatory reform and subsequent construction company-restructuring of the early and mid-1990s. To improve this situation, there has been increased research interest in identifying the different factors that could cause these delays. One of the main policies and goals of public sector construction is the upgrading of project performance; including completion of projects within time and budget constraints and reduction of costs (Alzeban & Sawan, 2013). In addition, execution and completion time is one of the most important performance measures in the public construction sector. However, the construction industry is subject to the influence of unpredictable factors and changing variables, which could potentially cause project completion delays (Pretorius, 2012). There is a need to understand these causes of delay in order to save public money by identifying potential mitigatin g actions. Delay in the proposed project refers to overrun time beyond the specified data of completion regardless of whether the government grants extension time. Chidambaram et al. (2012) state that there is an increase in public construction project delays and cost, noting the need to investigate the different categories of causes that are responsible for cost overruns and time delays in public-funded projects. The authors argue that this is necessary to ascertain whether current measures put in place to mitigate project delays are valid. Consequently, the researchers reviewed questionnaire survey responses from forty-one previous studies investigating the causes of construction delays. They find that respondents across the forty-one studies reported over 100 causes for project execution and completion delays, which they were able to group into 18 categories (Chidambaram et al., 2012). Nevertheless, they caution that researchers used widely different ranking systems, resulting in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Enzymes activity Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Enzymes activity - Lab Report Example The three sets of reactions were prepared by adding varying amounts of 0.25M sucrose and distilled water. In one set, 0.2 ml of 75mM of magnesium chloride was added, and in another set, an equal amount of 4M Urea was added as inhibitors to the reaction. Reactions in living organisms are slow, enzymes speed up the reactions so as to maintain life. The enzymes control the reactions by ensuring that every reaction is catalyzed by a specific enzyme and at a particular point in a cell. They have a tertiary structure and are folded in a conformation that many intramolecular interactions of amino acids that make up the molecule. They are not used up in the reactions therefore can be used in several reactions. They are substrate specific that is they fold in a shape assisted by chaperone proteins that will determine which substrate the enzyme will act upon. Coenzymes and cofactors aid enzymes in their functions. Enzymes can be denatured by extremes in temperature and pH. Competitive inhibitors, noncompetitive inhibitors and allosteric inhibitors regulate enzyme activity. The enzymes do not change the reactions’ equilibrium since the free energies of the reactants or products are not changed. Enzymes are catalysts that are protein in nature that increase the rate of a chemical reaction by providing an alternative reaction pathway with a lower free energy of activation. The reaction is usually expressed as In enzyme kinetics, the Michaelis Menten reaction relates the reaction rate (ÃŽ ½) to [S] which is the concentration of a substrate. The Km and the Vmax of an enzyme can be determined from determination of the initial rates of the enzyme catalyzed reactions over the concentration of the substrate. The maximum rate achieved is Vmax while Km is the Michaelis constant, is the substrate concentration at which the reaction rate is half of Vmax. Km varies from one enzyme to another but is

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Importance of Community Engagement for Children in the State of Assignment

Importance of Community Engagement for Children in the State of Indiana - Assignment Example This paper is a presentation of a journal of an activity I undertook on environmental protection in the State of Indiana. The journal will seek to explain what I did in the activity, the organization I worked with in the activity, how the activity is related with the course, specifically ethics and social responsibility as they relate to environmental issues, and how I feel about the activity. The activity involved planting trees in an activity dubbed â€Å"A tree for a child.† My participation in the initiative was in two phases. First, I participated in raising funds. In doing this, I involved my family members and friends to assist me to raise funds towards supporting the venture. I managed to collect $ 850 that went towards purchasing some trees and some went to the support kitty that supports these children to vocational school or university. Second, I took part in tree planting. Being in America, I had to travel to Indonesia to participate in tree planting. I managed to plant 10 trees, which translates to helping 10 children go to school and assured of food security. A Tree for A Child is a social and environmental initiative whose aim is to alleviate poverty by protecting the environment, which in turn provides food security to the underprivileged children in the society. The program, which is coordinated by ATFAC, an Indonesian, based organization aims at creating awareness to students, corporate and the community at large on the importance of the environmental protection and the education of the underprivileged children. (ATFAC, n.d). The organization welcomes participation from all over the world since, through the initiative, talented underprivileged children get scholarships, food, and medical attention. Environmental degradation is one of the major threats facing humankind in this error. According to Murray (2006), environmental degradation can be understood as depletion or destruction of potentially renewable resources like soil forests of wildlife. Its effects are felt more through carbon emissions and food shortage in the entire world.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Seminar Advantage and Disadvantage Essay Example for Free

Seminar Advantage and Disadvantage Essay * The advantage in preparing your seminar in two months prior to your seminar is that you can prepare everything with excellence because you have a lot of time to prepare. * You have a lot of time to locate a good venue, decide a design so that can capture the audience interest by seeing the area so relaxing and refreshing. * Whatever food you plan to fix, try to keep to the middle of the road in your selections of what to fix. Think of the food not only for its basic food value but for how much enjoyment it will give in the eating of it. Once you have your menus made, purchase all of your groceries that can bought ahead * You can also get a very good speaker or host in your seminar * You can decide how many audience you are going to invite, and what your target market are. * You also have a lot of time to expand your prospective list. DISADVANTAGE * The disadvantage of this longer preparation is that there is a tendency that you are going to change everything of what you have planned earlier, because of changing of your plan every day to make your seminar beautiful until the day will come. ADVANTAGE IN SIX WEEK PRIOR TO YOUR SEMINAR * The advantage in this stage is you can allocate more of your time to perform what is your task in this period. * Make sure that your invitation card is amazing and creative. This time, you can change anytime your invitations if there is a computer error in your invitation. * You should check how obtaining and testimonial the speaker is, it is for you to know how effective he is as a speaker so that the audience will digest the agenda of your seminar clearly. * Preparing your agenda to cannot commit mistake in front of the audience. * You must check your site for the temperature problems, check the average of your sets, room type and shape of the area, for the finalization of the set ups of the venue. DISADVANTAGE * The disadvantage of this week there’s so many seminars are marvelously full of content but somehow more difficult to digest because there is one  keynote in the introduction by the speakers and the subjects is common chain of reasoning or unified body with perhaps many details but one overriding theme. ADVANTAGE IN THREE WEEKS PRIOR TO YOUR SEMINAR * The advantage of this week you will know that if they are available and interested in your seminar. * Distributing your list of potential attendees will shorten the time for you to look for an audience. * You have a little more time to develop your list of audience if the other response that they cannot come to the seminar. * You have a chance to convince the audience to attend the seminar by calling them. * By having the tarpaulin, media, and brochures, you do not need to come to that person and convince them to attend the seminar. * People will come and have a registration if they are interested. DISADVANTAGE * The disadvantage is that there’s an audience will refuse your invitation and there are times the publicity you made is not that effective most specially if you are lack of finance in conducting your seminar or your publication is too plain to get the attention of an audience to be in your seminar. TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO YOUR SEMINAR * The advantage of this week is that you have final attendees in your list. * The thing to do is to send them letter to confirm if ever they change their mind, you still have time to look for a replacement. * Obtain the material for presentation to prevent problems. * Create evaluation sheet and checklist for attendees in advance, for the event come the list is prepared. * Create a certification or token in advance to prevent hassle. DISADVANTAGE * The disadvantage of this week, you do not have much time to handle a big problems is there is, must especially in the venue. ADVANTAGE IN THREE DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR SEMINAR * This week you have a confirm attendees on your list book and you will instruct them where the venue is, what time it will be and the registration fee. * The event you are planning is well prepared and done. DISADVANTAGE * You do not have time if there will be an audience to back out. In venue, materials, invitation, token problems etc. there is no more time to fix.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Name and Chance of Success Essay examples -- Black and White Names, So

According to all the birth certificates from California dating from 1961 to 2001 DeShawn, DeAndre, Marquis, Tyrone, Imani, Ebony, Shanice, and Aaliyah are the â€Å"blackest† names a person could have (Levitt and Dubner 169-170). The whitest names are Jake, Connor, Tanner, Wyatt, Molly, Amy, Katie, and Madeline. This starkly demonstrates that black and white parents name their children differently (Levitt and Dubner 168-169). Additionally more black boys have names that are unique in society than white boys do (Fryer and Levitt 776). These cultural variations raise questions that stem from why and what does it mean? Will a name change the outcome of an individual’s life? Do names lead to different success rates in job acceptance, Income level, or personal accomplishment? If so, is the name really the cause of such outcomes or is it perhaps only a proxy for variables such as race or socioeconomic status? Evidence from audit studies, statewide birth certificate data, an d African American naming trends stemming from the civil rights movement support a correlation between name and chance of success. Correlation does not infer causation, however, so there may be more at play. Name is an indicator of socioeconomic status and that status is what will have an effect on chance of success. Audit studies show the correlation between name and chance of success. They test how names affect success rates in job acceptance. These types studies consist of sending two identical rà ©sumà ©s to prospective employers except one rà ©sumà © contains a white sounding name and the other contains a black or ethnic sounding name. The ratio of the white sounding applicants being called back for an interview versus the ethnic or black sounding applicant in then record... ...the 44th president of our United States. To these men, and many others in the world, the meaning of their name, or what their name connotates about their history or race, did not stop them from succeeding in society. The people who are born into lower class neighborhood and carry a distinctively black name are only less likely to succeed, however, it does not mean that they won’t. Just as a person born into a wealthy neighborhood is more likely to succeed but isn’t insured of it. Names, although a proxy for socioeconomic status, will not be a deciding factor in a person’s life. Of course it can be easier for a person to succeed who come from a wealthy educated family, and of course it can be harder for a person to succeed who comes from an uneducated poor family, but it is those factors, not a name, that will affect the chances of one’s success in today’s society.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Black Boy Essay

Most African American families in the South were lower class and committed dangerous acts to survive, â€Å"Richard suffered poverty and hunger experiences that later became themes of his work†. He would have to wait a long period of time before food was available for him, â€Å"You’ll have to wait till I get a job to buy food†. The lower class did desperate things to get money â€Å"Richard sneak into saloons and begs for pennies and drinks†. Many African Americans suffered horribly from poverty, â€Å"My mothers’ suffering grew into a symbol, gathering to itself all the poverty, the ignorance, the helplessness, the pain, hunger ridden days and hours†. The Jim Crow South brought many adversities for Blacks and poverty was a major part of that. Poverty not only took away the physical things in their lives, but also it took away from their internal selves as human beings. The things they had in their lives that they were deprived of, did not mean as much to them as losing who they are as a person, â€Å"I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, to create a sense of the hunger of life that gnaws in us all, to keep alive in our hearts a sense of the inexpressibly human†. Racism in the Jim Crow South was brutal, unnecessary, and in some cases fatal. Racism in the United States South was a major theme, and impacted the life of Richard both in a positive and negative way. The only positive aspect of it was that he and many other African Americans overcame it and helped them become better people. In most cases racism affected lives in a negative way. Most African Americans were both physically and mentally pushed to their limit and caused permanent scars in their lives, â€Å"Having been thrust out of the world because of my race, I had accepted my destiny by not being curious about what shaped it†, The quote by Richard shows the racism was present and unfair, you can still move on and not let it be damaging to your daily lives and emotions. Richard experienced many abusive events resulting from racism, â€Å"He experienced some of the most severe abuses of racial oppression in Mississippi†. African Americans have the theory that White people are dangerous and not to be trusted, â€Å"the Jim Crow South was a system of racial segregation practiced in some states of the US, and it gave whites a reason to treat Blacks as second class citizens†. Richard falls into a category of Black youth who fears the White community and has a hard time interacting with them, â€Å"Richard feels psychological tension around Whites†. The major reason why Richard is a part of the Great Migration and fled North is because of racism. The segregation Blacks had to deal with also took away many educational opportunities, â€Å"No education could alter what the meaning of living, came only when one was struggling†. Racism took away many privileges and rights away from Blacks. Many African Americans in the South moved north for better opportunities, and this vast moment was known as the Great Migration. It was hard for many African Americans to leave the South because that was the only life they knew, â€Å"Nine out of ten African Americans lived in the American South in 1900, by 1930, 3 in 10 lived outside the house†. Richard Wrights’ Black Boy shows how racism destroyed the lives of many African Americans, but for some it did just the opposite, as for Richard it drove him to be the successful writer he is today. Violence affected African American youth in a negative way, and it varied how they let it affect the rest of their lives. Poverty took a major toll on the lives of African Americans during the Jim Crow South system, and affected the majority in an unconstructive way. Racism made a huge impact on the lives of the Blacks because it affected their emotions, physicality, home life, and way of being. For some, racism lead to death or completely ruined their lives, but others took the hardship of racism and went with it in the opposite direction. Richard Wright, once a trouble African American boy, now a flourishing writer.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Basic Economics.Which economic system is best suited for handling a crisis of epic proportions? Essay

Basic Economics Introduction Which economic system is best suited for handling a crisis of epic proportions?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     In the incidence of hazards, disasters, threats   as well as handling crisis’s of epic proportions   such as hurricanes, fires, blizzards and floods among others, employment of the Socialist system helps managements at all levels handle and manage such incidences . The system is systematic, proactive and guides departments at all levels of the government administration, NGOs, as well as the private sector to work as a team and handle such crisis regardless of the size, the intricacy, the source and the location (Kornai & Oxford University Press, 1992). Additionally, it provides a combination of assistance from different sectors.   In this case, the system helps reduce and sometimes prevent loss of life, the loss of property and environmental destructions from incidences of any level. Essentially, it provides a common approach in managing incidences. In this case, the socialism system plays a major role in offering solution s as the government pays everyone who works within the environments. As most disasters are local, the immediate community, the groups within the locality and the individuals within act as the first responders to a calamity hence application of the socialist system serves the best. This motivates individuals to assist and help the people in need. Most importantly, the socialist system is the most effective system in managing crisis as it teaches people within the society the importance of living together, sharing belongings and helping each other during the times of need. Why a socialist system might be the best in responding to the needs of people struck by an emergency like the earthquake that occurred in Haiti in January 2010? Socialist societies provide immediate solutions to offer urgent and controlled solutions to emergencies and more so disasters of epic proportions as the one suffered in Haiti in 2010. This is because the system has the ability to call for help on a larger scale since it strategizes on the mix of public, private and government owned operations(Marangos & Palgrave Connect (Online service), 2013).   The incidence of the earthquake that occurred in Haiti was so catastrophic such that it led to collapse of buildings that caused the deaths of thousands of people and left many injured without food and basic commodities(Marangos & Palgrave Connect (Online service), 2013) . Although the US government and the UN provided basic support and help in rescue and provision of basic commodities, the socialist system could have worked better. Socialist communities use the system to ensure a common base for the good of the nation and human needs and provide a common approach in providing a solution. The system enlightens the public to take the necessary measures as well as avoiding waiting the government to bring a solution by recognizing that each person has a role to play. It works well because it basis its endeavors in immediate regrouping and reorganization of efforts. Why it costs more to heat our homes in the winter?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the laws of supply and demand, when the demand of products goes up, the price of the products typically goes up. In the event of the augmented costs of heating up our homes during the winter, the same law applies. For instance, since everyone in the market strives to purchase products for heating their homes, the demand shoots up hence the prices profoundly increase. Therefore, if demand increases and the supply remain unchanged, a shortage is established hence a higher equilibrium costs (Gottheil, 1998). In winter, the same applies as the energy supplies remains the same as the demand augments overwhelmingly an aspect that translates to elevated bills for customers. For instance, change in weather conditions serves as the major factor as to why clients pay more in terms of energy used during the winter. References Marangos, J., & Palgrave Connect (Online service). (2013). Consistency and viability of socialist    economic systems. New York NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Gottheil, F. M. (1998). Principles of economics. South-Western college publishing. Kornai, J., & Oxford University Press. (1992). The Socialist system: The political economy of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   communism. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

John Augustus Roebling, Builder of the Brooklyn Bridge

John Augustus Roebling, Builder of the Brooklyn Bridge John Roebling (born June 12, 1806, Mà ¼hlhausen, Saxony, Germany) didnt invent the suspension bridge, yet he is well-known for building the Brooklyn Bridge. Roebling didnt invent spun wire roping, either, yet he became wealthy by patenting processes and manufacturing cables for bridges and aqueducts. He was called a man of iron, says historian David McCullough. Roebling died July 22, 1869, at age 63, from a tetanus infection after crushing his foot on the construction site of the Brooklyn Bridge. From Germany to Pennsylvania 1824 - 1826, Polytechnic Institute, Berlin, Germany, studying architecture, engineering, bridge construction, hydraulics, and philosopy. After graduating, Roebling built roads for the Prussian government. During this period, he reportedly experienced his first suspension bridge, Die Kettenbrà ¼cke (chain bridge) over the Regnitz in Bamberg, Bavaria.1831, sailed to Philadelphia, PA with his brother Karl. They planned to migrate to western Pennsylvania and develop a farming community, although they knew nothing about farming. The brothers bought land in Butler County and developed a town eventually called Saxonburg.May 1936, married Johanna Herting, the town tailors daughter1837, Roebling became a citizen and a father. After his brother died of heatstroke while farming, Roebling began working for the State of Pennsylvania as a surveyor and engineer, where he built dams, locks, and surveyed railroad routes. Building Projects 1842, Roebling proposed that the Allegheny Portage Railroad replace their continually breaking hemp coil ropes with steel coil ropes, a method he had read about in a German magazine. Wilhelm Albert had been using wire rope for German mining companies since 1834. Roebling modified the process and received a patent.1844, Roebling won a commission to engineer a suspension aqueduct to carry canal water over the Allegheny River near Pittsburgh. The aqueduct bridge was successful from its opening in 1845 until 1861 when replaced by the railroad.1846, Smithfield Street Bridge, Pittsburgh (replaced in 1883)1847 - 1848, the Delaware Aqueduct, the oldest surviving suspension bridge in the U.S. Between 1847 and 1851 Roebling built four DH Canal aqueducts.1855, Bridge at Niagara Falls (removed 1897)1860, Sixth Street Bridge, Pittsburgh (removed 1893)1867, Cincinnati Bridge1867, Plans the Brooklyn Bridge (Roebling died during its construction)1883, Brooklyn Bridge completed under the direction of his oldest son, Washington Roebling, and his sons wife, Emily Elements of a Suspension Bridge (e.g., Delaware Aqueduct) Cables are attached to stone piersCast iron saddles sit on the cablesWrought-iron suspender rods sit on the saddles, with both ends hanging vertically from the saddleSuspenders attach to hanger plates to support part of the aqueduct or bridge deck flooring Cast iron and wrought iron were new, popular materials in the 1800s. Restoration of the Delaware Aqueduct 1980, bought by the National Park Service to be preserved as part of Upper Delaware Scenic Recreational RiverAlmost all of the existing ironwork (cables, saddles, and suspenders) are the same materials installed when the structure was built.The two suspension cables encased in red piping are made of wrought iron strands, spun on site under the direction of John Roebling in 1847.Each 8 1/2-inch diameter suspension cable carries 2,150 wires bunched into seven strands. Laboratory tests in 1983 concluded that the cable was still functional.Wrapping wires holding the cable strands in place were replaced in 1985.In 1986, the white pine wooden superstructure was reconstructed using Roeblings original plans, drawings, notes, and specifications Roeblings Wire Company In 1848, Roebling moved his family to Trenton, New Jersey to start his own business and take advantage of his patents. 1850, established John A. Roeblings Sons Company to manufacture wire rope. Of Roeblings seven adult children, three sons (Washington Augustus, Ferdinand William, and Charles Gustavus) would eventually work for the compnay1935 - 1936, oversaw the cable construction (spinning) for the Golden Gate Bridge1945, provided the flat wire to the inventor of the toy1952, business sold to the Colorado Fuel and Iron (CFI) Company of Pueblo, Colorado1968, the Crane Company purchased the CFI Wire rope cabling has been used in a variety of situations including suspension bridges, elevators, cable cars, ski lifts, pulleys and cranes, and mining and shipping. Roeblings U.S. Patents Patent Number 2,720, dated July 16, 1842, Method of and Machine for Manufacturing Wire RopesWhat I claim as my original invention and desire to secure by Letters Patent is: 1. The process of giving to the wires and strands a uniform tension, by attaching them to equal weights which are freely suspended over pulleys during the manufacture, as described above. 2. The attaching of swivels or of pieces of annealed wire to the ends of the single wires or to the several strands, during the manufacture of a rope, for the purpose of preventing the twist of the fibers, as described above. 3. The manner of constructing the wrapping machine....and the respective parts of which are combined and arranged, as above described, and illustrated by the accompanying drawing, so as to adapt it to the particular purpose of winding wire upon wire ropes.Patent Number 4,710, dated August 26, 1846, Anchoring Suspension-Chains for BridgesMy improvement consists in a new mode of anchorage applicable to wire br idges as well as chain bridges...What I claim as my original invention and wish to secure by Letters Patent is The application of a timber foundation, in place of stone, in connection with anchor plates, to support the pressure of the anchor chains or cables against the anchor masonry of a suspension bridge for the purpose of increasing the base of that masonry, to increase the surface exposed to pressure, and to substitute wood as an elastic material in place of stone, for the bedding of the anchor plates, the timber foundation either to occupy an inclined position, where the anchor cables or chains are continued in a straight line below ground, or to be placed horizontally, when the anchor cables are curved, as exhibited in the accompanying drawing, the whole to be in substance and in its main features constructed as fully described above and exhibited in the drawing. Patent Number 4,945, dated January 26, 1847, Apparatus for Passing Suspension-Wires for Bridges Across RiversWhat I claim as my original invention, and wish to secure by Letters Patent, is The application of traveling wheels, suspended and worked, either by a double endless rope, or by a single rope, across a river or valley, for the purpose of traversing the wires for the formation of wire cables, the whole to be in substance and in its main features, constructed and worked, as above described, and illustrated by the drawings. Archives and Collections for Further Research John A. Roebling Collection, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian InstitutionThe Roebling Museum, Roebling, New JerseyThe Delaware and Hudson Canal Slide Show, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior Sources The Great Bridge by David McCullough, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1972, Chapter 2John Roebling, Upper Delaware, National Park ServiceRoeblings Delaware Aqueduct, National Park ServiceAllegheny Portage Railroad, History and Culture, National Park ServiceRoebling and the Brooklyn Bridge, The Library of CongressModern History of Wire Rope by Donald SayengaUnited States Patent and Trademarks Office, Department of CommerceAdditional inline photo  ©Jackie CravenAll websites accessed June 11, 2012

Monday, October 21, 2019

WeberDurkheimMarx and how they account for religion essays

WeberDurkheimMarx and how they account for religion essays How do we account for religion - its origin, its development, and even its persistence in modern society? This is a question which has occupied many people in a variety of fields for quite a long time. At one point, the answers were framed in purely theological and religious terms, assuming the truth of Christian revelations and proceeding from there. In the 18th and 19th centuries, a more naturalistic approach developed. Instead of needing to believe in the truth of the religion, what was required was just the opposite: intellectual detachment and a suspension of belief. Three people who ended up doing just that were Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. Marx studied philosophy in Berlin under William Hegel. Hegel's philosophy had a decisive influence upon Marx's own thinking and theories. According to Marx, religion is an expression of material realities and economic injustice. Thus, problems in religion are ultimately problems in society. Religion is not the disease, but merely a symptom. It is used by oppressors to make people feel better about the distress they experience due to being poor and exploited. This is the origin of his comment that religion is the "opium of the people." People do not have an objective view of the world; they see it from the restricted point of view of their own positions.(p.35) At times I may seem to be focusing more on economic rather than religious theory, but that is because Marx's basic stance is that everything is always about economics. According to Marx, humans - even from their earliest beginnings - are not motivated by grand ideas but instead by material concerns, like the need to eat and survive. This is the basic premise of a materialist view of history. At the beginning, people worked together in unity and it wasn't so bad. But eventually, humans developed agriculture and the concept of private property. These two facts created a division of labor and a s...