Friday, December 27, 2019

Benjamin Franklin And Colonial_America - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 653 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category History Essay Level High school Topics: Benjamin Franklin Essay Did you like this example? Few people in the history of the United States of America can be said to be as impactful as the founding fathers. The most impactful of those said founding fathers must be Benjamin Franklin. A politician, scientist, and revolutionary, Benjamin Franklin had done a great deal of things for the betterment of America and the betterment of the world. Born in Boston as the 10th son of the soap maker Josiah Franklin to his second wife Abiah Folger Benrs life was almost set in stone before he was of 10 years old. his father had intended for Benjamin to become a clergymen, However the funds were not in that favor. Unable to get the necessary years of schooling for the clergy Benjamin was instead sent as an apprentice to his older brother a printer by the name of James Franklin when Benjamin was 12 years old. By the time Benjamin was 15 his older brother chose to open a newspaper shop with the equipment from the printing business. The opening of his brothers newspaper was Benjamins first interaction with the public and the start of his career as a public figure. First writing articles under an alias as Silence Dogood. 14 letters later and Ben revealed to he had been the writer, to the praise of friends and the public but to the dismay of his brother who was jealous of the attention was now receiving. This would be the start of a ri ft between the two brothers and would climax so years later. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Benjamin Franklin And Colonial_America" essay for you Create order But for now the brothers were at odds with the puritan preachers, the Mathers, on the matter of immunization and general treatment for smallpox within Boston. The two brothers took the side of the public, feeling that inoculation wasnt the way to deal with the smallpox threat. However, that public support dried up fast for the Franklins after James had begun to criticize the church during the debates and in the articles. Culminating in James spreading time in jail for his views. This would be Benjaminrs first chance at real control, and as could be expected from the then young man he had kept the business floating long enough for his brother to be able to serve his time. Instead of the expected praise Ben was met with ridicule and beatings of which reopened the rift between the brothers and Ben was pressured to run away from the treatment. Although running away was a discouraged practice at the time Ben still went through with it and ended in philadelphia, Ben was lucky to be accepte d into the city and was quick to work with his skills and talents. This would be the conclusion to Benjamins young life save for his having a child in 1728 and the following Deborah Read. Benjamin Franklin coming into his middle ages was a far different man from the subservient apprentice he had been. His second phase of life was his adventures and success into the world of entrepreneurship. Not content with just a printer shop Benjamin strived for the best and opened his own general store with his wife. Even two stores were not enough for Benjamin, so he took it upon himself to enlighten the general public and improved the quality of the average citizens life with both political essays published in his newspaper and his writing of Poor Richards Almanac. The almanac was one of Benrs first major achievements for the advancement of society. The almanac was a yearly published book that contained information for the tides and astronomy. From the book came a large portion of Benjamin Franklins famous quotes such as a penny saved is a penny earned. To accompany this public service was the start of Bens involvement in fire safety, which at the time was a major fear for the c itizens of philadelphia. Followed up by his lobbying for the eventual creation of a city fire department. This and other scientific achievements

Thursday, December 19, 2019

PG India Supply Chain Analysis - 11039 Words

Supply Chain Strategy, Performance and Risks: Tools and Techniques Introduction â€Å"Our Purpose works to unify us in a common cause and growth strategy. It is powerful because it promotes a simple idea to improve the lives of the world’s consumers every day. Pamp;G grows by touching and improving more consumers’ lives in more parts of the world...more completely.† - Pamp;G â€Å"At Pamp;G, we touch lives in small but meaningful ways. Billions of them. Every day.† Procter amp; Gamble Co. is a multinational corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer goods. Globally it is one of the largest FMCG companies. Pamp;G entered Indian market four decades ago but still lags HUL and other major players whereas its entry in china has been†¦show more content†¦Indian consumers’ heterogeneity and geographical variance increases the cost of operation and makes product unaffordable to low income consumers in rural markets. Increasing population, demand by the middle class group and rising aspiration levels are the key drivers for growth in the FMCG sector. This presents an enormous opportunity for the FMCG companies to develop new products and innovative ways to bring the products to the consumers while maintaining low prices. Suppliers Manufacturers Major players in FMCG sectors are Hindustan unilever ltd., Procter amp; Gamble, Godrej consumer products, Dabur, Garnier. All these companies have a unique selling proposition targeting a specific segments. eg. Marico operates only in Hair care products, Dabur in ayurved based products. These players command a very high bargaining power because of their size and scale over their suppliers. Also the suppliers are scattered. Distributors Supermarket A number of domestic retailers like Big Bazar, subhiksha, vishal mega mart, reliance fresh, More, Spencer, opened up retail channels in the major urban centres in the last decade. Many foreign retailers like Wal-Mart, Carrefour are exploring options to enter the Indian retail market. Retailers Indian retail industry is characterized by mom and pop stores called kirana stores locally. They operate with 2-3 people in a 100-150 sq foot space in urban and semi-urban areas and kiosk in rural areas. TheseShow MoreRelatedCulture Mistakes by Pizza Hut1311 Words   |  6 Pages2010. Donovan  , R. Michael (2005).  Effective Supply Chain Management (Movahedi et al., 2009, defining supply chain management, evolution of supply chain studies Lambert, 2008) mentioned by Cooper et. al., 1997 Enclyclopedia of e-commerce (2009), definition of supply chain management 2007 – Springer; J Oleskow, M Fertsch, P Golinska, data mining as the efficient tool for the effective supply chain integration LIU.,F; study and explore the supply chain base on CRM, 10 Mar 2011   Tseng, D. S., CoxRead MoreL.L. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Basic Flower Arrangement free essay sample

If   you are used to working with fresh flowers, it will take some time to get used to all the possibilities and limitations when using silks. Though so similar in use, artificial flowers are an entirely different art form. The line, focal, filler technique is an excellent way to design artificial and dried flower arrangements. Horizontal Arrangements 1. Using a relatively shallow container, anchor foam with a lot of glue or use anchor pins, and position sprays of line flowers to establish the shape of the design. . Insert focal flowers in the middle so they gently droop over the lip of the container on both sides, reach towards the line material and extend on either side of the middle. Leave room for filler flowers. 3. Fill in and around focal area with filler flowers and foliage. Vertical Arrangements 1. Wedge or secure foam in a vase with hot glue. Cut the stems of the tallest flowers or leaves to reach three or four times the height of the vase. We will write a custom essay sample on Basic Flower Arrangement or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2. Place the focal flowers vertically within the diameter of the vase. . Fill in the areas as needed with filler flowers. Triangular Arrangements 1. Secure floral foam. Determine the vertical height and horizontal width with the smallest line flowers and/or leaves. Make the height higher than the width. 2. Position the largest focal flowers in the heart of the arrangement and slightly lower to give weight and balance. 3. Fill in with the filler flowers and foliage keeping within the triangular shape. Crescent Arrangements 1. Secure foam in container. Determine length of crescent and insert curved line flowers or leaves to follow the crescent form. Angle the shape to balance in the container. 2. Insert the focal flowers fairly low in the bowl to achieve balance, stability and depth. 3. Fill in around the focal flowers with smaller flowers and foliage. Place wisps of filler flowers that gracefully taper off the ends. Oval arrangements 1. Secure the floral foam. Determine the height with line flowers, then frame in the outer edges of the oval shape with light colored flowers and foliage. 2. Place the largest, strongest or brightest flowers in the focal area. 3. Fill in around the larger flowers and leaves with the filler flowers. Minimal Arrangements 1. Adhere foam to container. Insert vertical line flowers to determine the height, and secure the horizontal line flowers to give the basic outline of the arrangement. 2. Place the focal flowers. 3. Fill in with filler flowers as needed. The lazy S or Hogarths Curve 1. Anchor the foam securely. Bend the stems gently into graceful curves and insert them in place so they balance. . Add the focal flowers following the lines of the upper and lower curves. 3. Cluster filler blossoms and foliage around the central flowers maintaining the rhythm of the ‘S’. Free Standing Arrangements 1. Fill a shallow container with foam that extends one inch over the top. Secure the foam with hot glue, floral clay or floral tape. Define the shape of the design with the line flowers and leaves. 2. Place the focal flowers and leaves, t urning the vase as you go so all the sides are even. 3. Add filler flowers to integrate the design.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Role of teacher free essay sample

The role of teachers as nation builders The role of teachers in the building of a nation can not be ignored. It is they who Influence the immature minds of the youth and tries to mould the living stuff Into various forms. It is they on who depends the future of the nation. Hence, they are the most Important part of the society. In the past, teachers were considered respectable figures even by the kings and the emperors, because only teachers were there to gulde and advice them in hours of crisis. They were the true benefactors of the society. With the change of time they lost their dlgnlty to some extent. Still, they are onsidered the backbone of a nation, and a society. Teachers are the real gulde of the students. With their deep knowledge of the subject and teaching technique they can Impart valuable Information to the students. They can gulde them towards noble deeds, studies, health, and cleanliness and above all the moral values of life. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of teacher or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page All these qualities enable a child to grow into an ideal citizen of his/her nation. Teachers are considered the noblest section of the society. This increases their responsibility towards nation and the students to a great extent; they must be dedicated to the service of the students. Their own actions and high ideas about life can easily shape the young minds into good personalities and responsible citizens of tomorrow. They are a guiding light for students throughout their lives. The importance of the role of the teachers as an agent of change, promoting understanding and tolerance has become more obvious today. This places enormous responsibilites on teachers who participate in the moulding of the character and minds of the new generation. Now days, the whole scenario has been changed. Teachers and parents are engaged in blaming each other. Parents are displeased with them because their sons and aughters do not do well in the examination. Teachers blame the parents that they do not pay much attention on their wards due to lack of time. Even we do not find any accord between the teachers and the students. The overall result is that the students have become aggressive, bold and daring- They are less concerned with their studies and think more about other activities. The teachers become helpless at this juncture. This leads to dissatisfaction and frustration among them. They do not get proper respect from the students. In addition to this, the teachers are not paid highly and regularly. This makes their situation miserable. It Is necessary to Improve the conditions of the teachers. Only then they will continue their Job with full vigour and zeal. Only then they will discharge their duty towards the students as well as the nation In true sense of the term. Only then their potentlalltles will shine In the new generation, the real hope of the nation. Role of teacher By kamalik67 influence the immature minds of the youth and tries to mould the living stuff into most important part of the society. In the past, teachers were considered respectable guide and advice them in hours of crisis. They were the true benefactors of the society. With the change of time they lost their dignity to some extent. Still, they are considered the backbone of a nation, and a society. Teachers are the real guide of can impart valuable information to the students. They can guide them towards noble deeds, studies, health, and cleanliness and above ail the moral values of life. All and think more about other activities. The teachers become helpless at this Juncture. regularly. This makes their situation miserable. It is necessary to improve the nation in true sense of the term. Only then their potentialities will shine in the new Role of Teacher free essay sample This article is about an essay on the important role of teachers in curing students indiscipline. Today there is a general complaint against what is called student indiscipline. Student indiscipline is largely a function in mathematical term. Unless teacher functions as a real Guru respected by the public and assured of a proper competence and a worthy status in the public eye the problem of indiscipline cannot be adequately dealt with. Respect is commanded and not demanded is an old saying. Hence true leadership is the approach and the same is not to be found in the eacher. He does not command respect and affection which he used to during the past. During the past political stir, the student was dragged into the field, but there was nobody to lead him in the right direction. His teacher was neglected. It is a painful truth that the teacher was allowed to suffer a social and economic set back. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Teacher or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hence he could not but care more for his bread than to lead the students. The teacher has been crying for a reasonable payment and he has been promised in high philosophical vocabulary from high pupils. How can you expect from a frustrated eacher to discharge his Job in a satisfactory manner? The loss of personal contact between the teacher and the taught has also been one of the causes. Undue emphasis on examinations has turned the teacher into a mere agent for preparing the pupils for examinations. As such he has no say in educational set up. Private tuition is unavoidable for him. The economic deprivation keeps abler people away from the profession. Economic difficulties have been telling upon the performance of the student also. In the past, the student community used to come from the well to do class. They never had any economic hardship. There number was too small. But at present, numbers have shot up very high. Many students are required to earn their livelihood partially or wholly throughout their school and college career. They do not have balanced mind and hence there is indiscipline. The student suffers from bitterness and resentment of these economic difficulties. The standard of living too is too low. He often find miserable conditions around him and lives in unhealthy and congested surroundings. Over emphasis has so far been laid on the examinations. The pupil is Judged by the result of the final examination which is more often a test of memories than of understanding or Judgment. It encourages a tendency for a adopting unfair means as a short-cut to succeed. As the disease of indiscipline has become chronic, it will take considerable time for a complete cure. The proper physician is the Guru who can efficiently deal with the case. But he should be well equipped and free from all difficulties which have been coming in the way of his mission. The new teacher should be a very tactful guide of the student. He should be n affectionate elder and a sincere friend. The teacher should not be aggressive; it is always against the law of nature and results in revolt. It is quite sound opinion when some say that for improvement in education, there should be improvement in the teachers economic and social status. They say, increasing the professional competence of teachers will solve the problem. Others lay emphasis on idealism. This is very good. Let us foster it among the teaching community. It is a step to raise the social status of primary teachers by giving them Presidential Awards in