Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Importance of Community Engagement for Children in the State of Assignment

Importance of Community Engagement for Children in the State of Indiana - Assignment Example This paper is a presentation of a journal of an activity I undertook on environmental protection in the State of Indiana. The journal will seek to explain what I did in the activity, the organization I worked with in the activity, how the activity is related with the course, specifically ethics and social responsibility as they relate to environmental issues, and how I feel about the activity. The activity involved planting trees in an activity dubbed â€Å"A tree for a child.† My participation in the initiative was in two phases. First, I participated in raising funds. In doing this, I involved my family members and friends to assist me to raise funds towards supporting the venture. I managed to collect $ 850 that went towards purchasing some trees and some went to the support kitty that supports these children to vocational school or university. Second, I took part in tree planting. Being in America, I had to travel to Indonesia to participate in tree planting. I managed to plant 10 trees, which translates to helping 10 children go to school and assured of food security. A Tree for A Child is a social and environmental initiative whose aim is to alleviate poverty by protecting the environment, which in turn provides food security to the underprivileged children in the society. The program, which is coordinated by ATFAC, an Indonesian, based organization aims at creating awareness to students, corporate and the community at large on the importance of the environmental protection and the education of the underprivileged children. (ATFAC, n.d). The organization welcomes participation from all over the world since, through the initiative, talented underprivileged children get scholarships, food, and medical attention. Environmental degradation is one of the major threats facing humankind in this error. According to Murray (2006), environmental degradation can be understood as depletion or destruction of potentially renewable resources like soil forests of wildlife. Its effects are felt more through carbon emissions and food shortage in the entire world.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Seminar Advantage and Disadvantage Essay Example for Free

Seminar Advantage and Disadvantage Essay * The advantage in preparing your seminar in two months prior to your seminar is that you can prepare everything with excellence because you have a lot of time to prepare. * You have a lot of time to locate a good venue, decide a design so that can capture the audience interest by seeing the area so relaxing and refreshing. * Whatever food you plan to fix, try to keep to the middle of the road in your selections of what to fix. Think of the food not only for its basic food value but for how much enjoyment it will give in the eating of it. Once you have your menus made, purchase all of your groceries that can bought ahead * You can also get a very good speaker or host in your seminar * You can decide how many audience you are going to invite, and what your target market are. * You also have a lot of time to expand your prospective list. DISADVANTAGE * The disadvantage of this longer preparation is that there is a tendency that you are going to change everything of what you have planned earlier, because of changing of your plan every day to make your seminar beautiful until the day will come. ADVANTAGE IN SIX WEEK PRIOR TO YOUR SEMINAR * The advantage in this stage is you can allocate more of your time to perform what is your task in this period. * Make sure that your invitation card is amazing and creative. This time, you can change anytime your invitations if there is a computer error in your invitation. * You should check how obtaining and testimonial the speaker is, it is for you to know how effective he is as a speaker so that the audience will digest the agenda of your seminar clearly. * Preparing your agenda to cannot commit mistake in front of the audience. * You must check your site for the temperature problems, check the average of your sets, room type and shape of the area, for the finalization of the set ups of the venue. DISADVANTAGE * The disadvantage of this week there’s so many seminars are marvelously full of content but somehow more difficult to digest because there is one  keynote in the introduction by the speakers and the subjects is common chain of reasoning or unified body with perhaps many details but one overriding theme. ADVANTAGE IN THREE WEEKS PRIOR TO YOUR SEMINAR * The advantage of this week you will know that if they are available and interested in your seminar. * Distributing your list of potential attendees will shorten the time for you to look for an audience. * You have a little more time to develop your list of audience if the other response that they cannot come to the seminar. * You have a chance to convince the audience to attend the seminar by calling them. * By having the tarpaulin, media, and brochures, you do not need to come to that person and convince them to attend the seminar. * People will come and have a registration if they are interested. DISADVANTAGE * The disadvantage is that there’s an audience will refuse your invitation and there are times the publicity you made is not that effective most specially if you are lack of finance in conducting your seminar or your publication is too plain to get the attention of an audience to be in your seminar. TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO YOUR SEMINAR * The advantage of this week is that you have final attendees in your list. * The thing to do is to send them letter to confirm if ever they change their mind, you still have time to look for a replacement. * Obtain the material for presentation to prevent problems. * Create evaluation sheet and checklist for attendees in advance, for the event come the list is prepared. * Create a certification or token in advance to prevent hassle. DISADVANTAGE * The disadvantage of this week, you do not have much time to handle a big problems is there is, must especially in the venue. ADVANTAGE IN THREE DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR SEMINAR * This week you have a confirm attendees on your list book and you will instruct them where the venue is, what time it will be and the registration fee. * The event you are planning is well prepared and done. DISADVANTAGE * You do not have time if there will be an audience to back out. In venue, materials, invitation, token problems etc. there is no more time to fix.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Name and Chance of Success Essay examples -- Black and White Names, So

According to all the birth certificates from California dating from 1961 to 2001 DeShawn, DeAndre, Marquis, Tyrone, Imani, Ebony, Shanice, and Aaliyah are the â€Å"blackest† names a person could have (Levitt and Dubner 169-170). The whitest names are Jake, Connor, Tanner, Wyatt, Molly, Amy, Katie, and Madeline. This starkly demonstrates that black and white parents name their children differently (Levitt and Dubner 168-169). Additionally more black boys have names that are unique in society than white boys do (Fryer and Levitt 776). These cultural variations raise questions that stem from why and what does it mean? Will a name change the outcome of an individual’s life? Do names lead to different success rates in job acceptance, Income level, or personal accomplishment? If so, is the name really the cause of such outcomes or is it perhaps only a proxy for variables such as race or socioeconomic status? Evidence from audit studies, statewide birth certificate data, an d African American naming trends stemming from the civil rights movement support a correlation between name and chance of success. Correlation does not infer causation, however, so there may be more at play. Name is an indicator of socioeconomic status and that status is what will have an effect on chance of success. Audit studies show the correlation between name and chance of success. They test how names affect success rates in job acceptance. These types studies consist of sending two identical rà ©sumà ©s to prospective employers except one rà ©sumà © contains a white sounding name and the other contains a black or ethnic sounding name. The ratio of the white sounding applicants being called back for an interview versus the ethnic or black sounding applicant in then record... ...the 44th president of our United States. To these men, and many others in the world, the meaning of their name, or what their name connotates about their history or race, did not stop them from succeeding in society. The people who are born into lower class neighborhood and carry a distinctively black name are only less likely to succeed, however, it does not mean that they won’t. Just as a person born into a wealthy neighborhood is more likely to succeed but isn’t insured of it. Names, although a proxy for socioeconomic status, will not be a deciding factor in a person’s life. Of course it can be easier for a person to succeed who come from a wealthy educated family, and of course it can be harder for a person to succeed who comes from an uneducated poor family, but it is those factors, not a name, that will affect the chances of one’s success in today’s society.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Black Boy Essay

Most African American families in the South were lower class and committed dangerous acts to survive, â€Å"Richard suffered poverty and hunger experiences that later became themes of his work†. He would have to wait a long period of time before food was available for him, â€Å"You’ll have to wait till I get a job to buy food†. The lower class did desperate things to get money â€Å"Richard sneak into saloons and begs for pennies and drinks†. Many African Americans suffered horribly from poverty, â€Å"My mothers’ suffering grew into a symbol, gathering to itself all the poverty, the ignorance, the helplessness, the pain, hunger ridden days and hours†. The Jim Crow South brought many adversities for Blacks and poverty was a major part of that. Poverty not only took away the physical things in their lives, but also it took away from their internal selves as human beings. The things they had in their lives that they were deprived of, did not mean as much to them as losing who they are as a person, â€Å"I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, to create a sense of the hunger of life that gnaws in us all, to keep alive in our hearts a sense of the inexpressibly human†. Racism in the Jim Crow South was brutal, unnecessary, and in some cases fatal. Racism in the United States South was a major theme, and impacted the life of Richard both in a positive and negative way. The only positive aspect of it was that he and many other African Americans overcame it and helped them become better people. In most cases racism affected lives in a negative way. Most African Americans were both physically and mentally pushed to their limit and caused permanent scars in their lives, â€Å"Having been thrust out of the world because of my race, I had accepted my destiny by not being curious about what shaped it†, The quote by Richard shows the racism was present and unfair, you can still move on and not let it be damaging to your daily lives and emotions. Richard experienced many abusive events resulting from racism, â€Å"He experienced some of the most severe abuses of racial oppression in Mississippi†. African Americans have the theory that White people are dangerous and not to be trusted, â€Å"the Jim Crow South was a system of racial segregation practiced in some states of the US, and it gave whites a reason to treat Blacks as second class citizens†. Richard falls into a category of Black youth who fears the White community and has a hard time interacting with them, â€Å"Richard feels psychological tension around Whites†. The major reason why Richard is a part of the Great Migration and fled North is because of racism. The segregation Blacks had to deal with also took away many educational opportunities, â€Å"No education could alter what the meaning of living, came only when one was struggling†. Racism took away many privileges and rights away from Blacks. Many African Americans in the South moved north for better opportunities, and this vast moment was known as the Great Migration. It was hard for many African Americans to leave the South because that was the only life they knew, â€Å"Nine out of ten African Americans lived in the American South in 1900, by 1930, 3 in 10 lived outside the house†. Richard Wrights’ Black Boy shows how racism destroyed the lives of many African Americans, but for some it did just the opposite, as for Richard it drove him to be the successful writer he is today. Violence affected African American youth in a negative way, and it varied how they let it affect the rest of their lives. Poverty took a major toll on the lives of African Americans during the Jim Crow South system, and affected the majority in an unconstructive way. Racism made a huge impact on the lives of the Blacks because it affected their emotions, physicality, home life, and way of being. For some, racism lead to death or completely ruined their lives, but others took the hardship of racism and went with it in the opposite direction. Richard Wright, once a trouble African American boy, now a flourishing writer.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Basic Economics.Which economic system is best suited for handling a crisis of epic proportions? Essay

Basic Economics Introduction Which economic system is best suited for handling a crisis of epic proportions?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     In the incidence of hazards, disasters, threats   as well as handling crisis’s of epic proportions   such as hurricanes, fires, blizzards and floods among others, employment of the Socialist system helps managements at all levels handle and manage such incidences . The system is systematic, proactive and guides departments at all levels of the government administration, NGOs, as well as the private sector to work as a team and handle such crisis regardless of the size, the intricacy, the source and the location (Kornai & Oxford University Press, 1992). Additionally, it provides a combination of assistance from different sectors.   In this case, the system helps reduce and sometimes prevent loss of life, the loss of property and environmental destructions from incidences of any level. Essentially, it provides a common approach in managing incidences. In this case, the socialism system plays a major role in offering solution s as the government pays everyone who works within the environments. As most disasters are local, the immediate community, the groups within the locality and the individuals within act as the first responders to a calamity hence application of the socialist system serves the best. This motivates individuals to assist and help the people in need. Most importantly, the socialist system is the most effective system in managing crisis as it teaches people within the society the importance of living together, sharing belongings and helping each other during the times of need. Why a socialist system might be the best in responding to the needs of people struck by an emergency like the earthquake that occurred in Haiti in January 2010? Socialist societies provide immediate solutions to offer urgent and controlled solutions to emergencies and more so disasters of epic proportions as the one suffered in Haiti in 2010. This is because the system has the ability to call for help on a larger scale since it strategizes on the mix of public, private and government owned operations(Marangos & Palgrave Connect (Online service), 2013).   The incidence of the earthquake that occurred in Haiti was so catastrophic such that it led to collapse of buildings that caused the deaths of thousands of people and left many injured without food and basic commodities(Marangos & Palgrave Connect (Online service), 2013) . Although the US government and the UN provided basic support and help in rescue and provision of basic commodities, the socialist system could have worked better. Socialist communities use the system to ensure a common base for the good of the nation and human needs and provide a common approach in providing a solution. The system enlightens the public to take the necessary measures as well as avoiding waiting the government to bring a solution by recognizing that each person has a role to play. It works well because it basis its endeavors in immediate regrouping and reorganization of efforts. Why it costs more to heat our homes in the winter?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the laws of supply and demand, when the demand of products goes up, the price of the products typically goes up. In the event of the augmented costs of heating up our homes during the winter, the same law applies. For instance, since everyone in the market strives to purchase products for heating their homes, the demand shoots up hence the prices profoundly increase. Therefore, if demand increases and the supply remain unchanged, a shortage is established hence a higher equilibrium costs (Gottheil, 1998). In winter, the same applies as the energy supplies remains the same as the demand augments overwhelmingly an aspect that translates to elevated bills for customers. For instance, change in weather conditions serves as the major factor as to why clients pay more in terms of energy used during the winter. References Marangos, J., & Palgrave Connect (Online service). (2013). Consistency and viability of socialist    economic systems. New York NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Gottheil, F. M. (1998). Principles of economics. South-Western college publishing. Kornai, J., & Oxford University Press. (1992). The Socialist system: The political economy of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   communism. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

John Augustus Roebling, Builder of the Brooklyn Bridge

John Augustus Roebling, Builder of the Brooklyn Bridge John Roebling (born June 12, 1806, Mà ¼hlhausen, Saxony, Germany) didnt invent the suspension bridge, yet he is well-known for building the Brooklyn Bridge. Roebling didnt invent spun wire roping, either, yet he became wealthy by patenting processes and manufacturing cables for bridges and aqueducts. He was called a man of iron, says historian David McCullough. Roebling died July 22, 1869, at age 63, from a tetanus infection after crushing his foot on the construction site of the Brooklyn Bridge. From Germany to Pennsylvania 1824 - 1826, Polytechnic Institute, Berlin, Germany, studying architecture, engineering, bridge construction, hydraulics, and philosopy. After graduating, Roebling built roads for the Prussian government. During this period, he reportedly experienced his first suspension bridge, Die Kettenbrà ¼cke (chain bridge) over the Regnitz in Bamberg, Bavaria.1831, sailed to Philadelphia, PA with his brother Karl. They planned to migrate to western Pennsylvania and develop a farming community, although they knew nothing about farming. The brothers bought land in Butler County and developed a town eventually called Saxonburg.May 1936, married Johanna Herting, the town tailors daughter1837, Roebling became a citizen and a father. After his brother died of heatstroke while farming, Roebling began working for the State of Pennsylvania as a surveyor and engineer, where he built dams, locks, and surveyed railroad routes. Building Projects 1842, Roebling proposed that the Allegheny Portage Railroad replace their continually breaking hemp coil ropes with steel coil ropes, a method he had read about in a German magazine. Wilhelm Albert had been using wire rope for German mining companies since 1834. Roebling modified the process and received a patent.1844, Roebling won a commission to engineer a suspension aqueduct to carry canal water over the Allegheny River near Pittsburgh. The aqueduct bridge was successful from its opening in 1845 until 1861 when replaced by the railroad.1846, Smithfield Street Bridge, Pittsburgh (replaced in 1883)1847 - 1848, the Delaware Aqueduct, the oldest surviving suspension bridge in the U.S. Between 1847 and 1851 Roebling built four DH Canal aqueducts.1855, Bridge at Niagara Falls (removed 1897)1860, Sixth Street Bridge, Pittsburgh (removed 1893)1867, Cincinnati Bridge1867, Plans the Brooklyn Bridge (Roebling died during its construction)1883, Brooklyn Bridge completed under the direction of his oldest son, Washington Roebling, and his sons wife, Emily Elements of a Suspension Bridge (e.g., Delaware Aqueduct) Cables are attached to stone piersCast iron saddles sit on the cablesWrought-iron suspender rods sit on the saddles, with both ends hanging vertically from the saddleSuspenders attach to hanger plates to support part of the aqueduct or bridge deck flooring Cast iron and wrought iron were new, popular materials in the 1800s. Restoration of the Delaware Aqueduct 1980, bought by the National Park Service to be preserved as part of Upper Delaware Scenic Recreational RiverAlmost all of the existing ironwork (cables, saddles, and suspenders) are the same materials installed when the structure was built.The two suspension cables encased in red piping are made of wrought iron strands, spun on site under the direction of John Roebling in 1847.Each 8 1/2-inch diameter suspension cable carries 2,150 wires bunched into seven strands. Laboratory tests in 1983 concluded that the cable was still functional.Wrapping wires holding the cable strands in place were replaced in 1985.In 1986, the white pine wooden superstructure was reconstructed using Roeblings original plans, drawings, notes, and specifications Roeblings Wire Company In 1848, Roebling moved his family to Trenton, New Jersey to start his own business and take advantage of his patents. 1850, established John A. Roeblings Sons Company to manufacture wire rope. Of Roeblings seven adult children, three sons (Washington Augustus, Ferdinand William, and Charles Gustavus) would eventually work for the compnay1935 - 1936, oversaw the cable construction (spinning) for the Golden Gate Bridge1945, provided the flat wire to the inventor of the toy1952, business sold to the Colorado Fuel and Iron (CFI) Company of Pueblo, Colorado1968, the Crane Company purchased the CFI Wire rope cabling has been used in a variety of situations including suspension bridges, elevators, cable cars, ski lifts, pulleys and cranes, and mining and shipping. Roeblings U.S. Patents Patent Number 2,720, dated July 16, 1842, Method of and Machine for Manufacturing Wire RopesWhat I claim as my original invention and desire to secure by Letters Patent is: 1. The process of giving to the wires and strands a uniform tension, by attaching them to equal weights which are freely suspended over pulleys during the manufacture, as described above. 2. The attaching of swivels or of pieces of annealed wire to the ends of the single wires or to the several strands, during the manufacture of a rope, for the purpose of preventing the twist of the fibers, as described above. 3. The manner of constructing the wrapping machine....and the respective parts of which are combined and arranged, as above described, and illustrated by the accompanying drawing, so as to adapt it to the particular purpose of winding wire upon wire ropes.Patent Number 4,710, dated August 26, 1846, Anchoring Suspension-Chains for BridgesMy improvement consists in a new mode of anchorage applicable to wire br idges as well as chain bridges...What I claim as my original invention and wish to secure by Letters Patent is The application of a timber foundation, in place of stone, in connection with anchor plates, to support the pressure of the anchor chains or cables against the anchor masonry of a suspension bridge for the purpose of increasing the base of that masonry, to increase the surface exposed to pressure, and to substitute wood as an elastic material in place of stone, for the bedding of the anchor plates, the timber foundation either to occupy an inclined position, where the anchor cables or chains are continued in a straight line below ground, or to be placed horizontally, when the anchor cables are curved, as exhibited in the accompanying drawing, the whole to be in substance and in its main features constructed as fully described above and exhibited in the drawing. Patent Number 4,945, dated January 26, 1847, Apparatus for Passing Suspension-Wires for Bridges Across RiversWhat I claim as my original invention, and wish to secure by Letters Patent, is The application of traveling wheels, suspended and worked, either by a double endless rope, or by a single rope, across a river or valley, for the purpose of traversing the wires for the formation of wire cables, the whole to be in substance and in its main features, constructed and worked, as above described, and illustrated by the drawings. Archives and Collections for Further Research John A. Roebling Collection, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian InstitutionThe Roebling Museum, Roebling, New JerseyThe Delaware and Hudson Canal Slide Show, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior Sources The Great Bridge by David McCullough, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1972, Chapter 2John Roebling, Upper Delaware, National Park ServiceRoeblings Delaware Aqueduct, National Park ServiceAllegheny Portage Railroad, History and Culture, National Park ServiceRoebling and the Brooklyn Bridge, The Library of CongressModern History of Wire Rope by Donald SayengaUnited States Patent and Trademarks Office, Department of CommerceAdditional inline photo  ©Jackie CravenAll websites accessed June 11, 2012

Monday, October 21, 2019

WeberDurkheimMarx and how they account for religion essays

WeberDurkheimMarx and how they account for religion essays How do we account for religion - its origin, its development, and even its persistence in modern society? This is a question which has occupied many people in a variety of fields for quite a long time. At one point, the answers were framed in purely theological and religious terms, assuming the truth of Christian revelations and proceeding from there. In the 18th and 19th centuries, a more naturalistic approach developed. Instead of needing to believe in the truth of the religion, what was required was just the opposite: intellectual detachment and a suspension of belief. Three people who ended up doing just that were Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. Marx studied philosophy in Berlin under William Hegel. Hegel's philosophy had a decisive influence upon Marx's own thinking and theories. According to Marx, religion is an expression of material realities and economic injustice. Thus, problems in religion are ultimately problems in society. Religion is not the disease, but merely a symptom. It is used by oppressors to make people feel better about the distress they experience due to being poor and exploited. This is the origin of his comment that religion is the "opium of the people." People do not have an objective view of the world; they see it from the restricted point of view of their own positions.(p.35) At times I may seem to be focusing more on economic rather than religious theory, but that is because Marx's basic stance is that everything is always about economics. According to Marx, humans - even from their earliest beginnings - are not motivated by grand ideas but instead by material concerns, like the need to eat and survive. This is the basic premise of a materialist view of history. At the beginning, people worked together in unity and it wasn't so bad. But eventually, humans developed agriculture and the concept of private property. These two facts created a division of labor and a s...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How To Plan The Best New Product Launch Marketing Campaign

How To Plan The Best New Product Launch Marketing Campaign New product launch marketing campaigns. One of the most intimidating things a marketing professional and their team  can be tasked with. Basically, the weight of the entire world is on your shoulders, or so it feels like 80% of new products fail. Let’s make sure yours doesn’t! Your company has been working their butts off for months on this amazing widget and it’s up to you to make sure that the product, service, or whatever you may be launching has enough hype (and actually sells). Whether you’ve done multiple new product launches or if this is your first time, you’ll learn a few new things about product launches in this post. We’ve included detailed steps to successfully launch a new product launch marketing campaign and the most memorable examples that you can learn from. Get ready to rock your next new product launch. 🚀 80% of new products fail. Learn how to plan the best #productlaunch #campaign of all time withHow To Plan The Best Product Launch Marketing Campaign Before diving into how to plan a great product launch marketing campaign, download this marketing plan timeline template. It will help you strategically plan your new product launch so you know exactly what needs to be done and when. Be Brave and Push Boundaries Easier said than done, right? If Apple can do it, can’t we all? The answer is yes. Your product may not change the world, but it is going to be life changing  to your customers, and you need to position it that way. Marketers, listen up. If you aren’t involved in the product ideation process, that needs to change. You know your target audience’s needs just as well as anyone else at your company, if not better. Get involved in the ideation meetings to help your company launch the absolute best products for your customers. Be bold with your product launches. Launch something your competitors haven’t because if you don’t push boundaries, you aren’t going to grow. Simple as that. Once you have a bomb product to launch, your product launch marketing campaign will speak for itself. Make Your Launch Campaign Emotional Emotions drive purchasing behaviors and decision making. Throwing facts at your target audience about your new product isn’t enough to make people buy and spark up emotion. If it was, we would all be rich. No matter what your product or service is, this step is applicable to you. Whether you’re selling a slinky or migraine medication, your product can be tied to an emotion. A slinky is a much more light-hearted and fun product, while migraine medication takes away pain, resulting in happiness. The point is that both products cause some type of emotion. Keep in mind that people purchase products to solve a problem. These problems that they have are frustrating, inconvenient, and annoying. Even if they are just bored because they don’t have a fun slinky to play with. 😉 If your marketing campaign shows them how your new product can make that feeling go away, that’s where the money’s at. Build Hype for Your Product Launch Remember when Universal announced The Wizarding World of Harry Potter? Can you imagine how many people planned their vacations to Florida as soon as the announcement came out? Or the number of days that people dreamed of going there before it even opened? That, my friend, is called hype. Now, you may not be launching something comparable to Harry Potter World, but your product is awesome and valuable, and your target audience needs to be excited about it. It’s your job to make them excited! There’s something about not knowing all of the facts and details that make people want to know even more. Make sure to build up the well-deserved hype for your product and make people anticipate the arrival of it. Recommended Reading: Everything You Need To Know  About Your Creative Strategy To be able to successfully hype up your new product the way it deserves, you need to have a plan. Plan Your Product Launch Marketing Campaign Your company has been working on this new product for months or maybe even years, so why would you wait until the last minute to plan your marketing campaign? If you want your new product launch marketing campaign to succeed, you should start planning two to three months in advance (at least). A rushed campaign won’t give your new product the attention it deserves. To pull this thing off, you need a solid plan and a tool to help you implement that plan. ’s Marketing Campaigns  is the best way to consolidate all of your marketing campaign needs in one centralized location. You can†¦ Plan your entire marketing roadmap Maximize your team’s resources from one place Monitor progress and make quick adjustments Measure the success of your campaign with reports Sound too good to be true? Here’s how it works! Manage All Your Marketing Campaigns with To start, create a project in and select Marketing Campaign. From there, give your project a title and select your beginning and end dates. You’ll be able to plan every marketing element that you want included in your new product launch campaign, and you’ll want to exhaust every channel, so this campaign is going to be big. You’ll need emails to ads to social media to webinars (and so much more)... Don’t worry, has got you covered. Once you’ve added your start and end dates to the project, you’ll see the campaign’s timeline illustrated on the calendar in . Next, you’ll start adding individual marketing tactics to your project. Either hit the + sign on a date on the calendar†¦OR †¦click the tab at the top of your marketing campaign. This will prompt you to add a project to your campaign. You’ll for sure want to create ads for your new product launch, so let’s add the ad project type. From there you can†¦ Assign tasks and due dates for your team members. Get approvals on things like imaging and copy. Add attachments and make comments. Have full visibility into every task, project and campaign your team is working on. After you’ve added all of your individual projects to your marketing campaign, you can see what your timelines look like and how they fit into the entire strategy. is the best (and easiest) the only marketing suite that helps you organize all of your marketing in one place. It’s organized, effective, and versatile. If you want to simplify your processes and plan successful campaigns, schedule a demo of . Take Pre-Orders for Your New Product Pre-orders may not be relevant to your product and if they aren’t, scroll right down to step 6. But if they are relevant, listen up. Pre-order sales can make up to 23%  or more of your total revenue for your new product. That is almost a fourth of your entire sales, sales that you could miss out on. [Tweet â€Å"Pre-order sales can make up to 23% of your total revenue for your new product. #marketingstrategy†] I know for a fact that I’ve pre-ordered something because I don’t want to risk the chance of it running out when it goes live. Loyal customers trust your company so much that when you launch a new product and build up so much hype around it, that’s enough for them to hit purchase. So make sure you implement a solid pre-order purchase well before your product launches. Use Influencers to Build Hype As social media grows, the use of influencers is growing right beside it. I think we can all admit that we’ve bought something recommended on a social platform, I know I have. To find influencers that are a good fit for your product, you’ll have to do a lot of research. When choosing influencers to work with, there are four main traits  you want to look at: Niche Reach Engagement Reputation You need to find an influencer with a similar following to your target audience, which you can gauge by the type of products and information the influencer is currently sharing. While reach is important, it isn’t the only thing you should look at. Just because it looks like someone has a lot of followers and a large reach, doesn’t mean that they have quality followers. The engagement that they are getting on their posts and content will show you if their followers have real connections with the influencer. Real connections = $$$. Lastly, check out their reputation. If you decide to work with this person, customers are going to associate your product with them. Make sure they are honest, trustworthy, and respectable so that they can represent your product well. You can start using influencers in the early stages of your product. Let them test it out, give feedback, and become familiar enough with your product so that they can honestly recommend it. Also, make sure that they are involved in the campaign before pre-orders so they can help build up that hype. Alrighty, marketers. You officially know how to plan a successful new product launch campaign. If you want some inspiration to get you started, we’ve put together a list of ten successful examples and key takeaways from their campaigns.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

LEGAL ISSUES FOR MANAGERS - Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LEGAL ISSUES FOR MANAGERS - Ethics - Assignment Example The manager also would be exercising breach of code as stated in clause 4 relating to the company’s competition and fair dealing As relates to Beal’s concerns, the parties involved are; the manager of the accounting department who is aware of the discrepancies in the accounts created in the accounting department and those presented to the board of directors. A few of the accountants are spending the company’s property and working time in running of their own businesses. The manager is aware that someone is responsible for breaching clause 6 of the code. Furthermore, such records amounts up to $100million fraud through overvaluing of assets could most likely lead to harsh disciplinary action like loss of employment or even criminal prosecution. The accountants on the other hand, are not only using the company’s time to conduct their own private businesses; but they also using the company’s assets as well. The accounts are in breach of almost all sub-clauses of clause 5. For instance, they use their business time for their own private work. In addition, as relates to clause 3, the ac countants are engaged in using the company’s computers. The Japanese company, which a major supplier extending an invitation to Linda Plant, the RH purchaser and her husband for a two-day trip to Sydney and Rolling stone’s band concert in Australia. This would mean a breach of sub-clause 5.3 of the conflict of interest clause. That is, Linda Plant as a purchaser was not to be involved in any form of acceptance (recipient) of gifts from a supplier; which would act towards the interests of the Japanese company benefiting; if Linda would be involved direct or indirectly in the purchase. In addition, any money or services extended to an employee, family member or to any company RH is involved in a transaction with is not

Friday, October 18, 2019

Unethical behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unethical behavior - Essay Example Above all, the Golden Rule and Ethical Education are suggested to solve these ethical fallacies. In order to preserve the ethical standard of the world at large, the discussion of the misconceptions and rationalizations is crucial to preserving the standard of ethics and social norms. Using Jack Marshall’s list of ethical fallacies, let’s discuss five common reasons as handpicked. First, if there is a Golden Rule, there is a Golden Rationalization, as well. Apparently, it is the opposite of the former. This rationalization is not new. It began as early as the beginning of the civilization. It was believed that when the majority of the people performed a certain action – the judgment whether the action is right or wrong is determined through it. In other words, if everybody does it – you can therefore do it, as well. If the majority of the society had committed adultery, then it is implicitly all right for you to commit the same. However, a person who used this reasoning is aware of his misconduct. Since everybody does it, he would argue that he should not be singled for condemnation, although he is conscious that adultery is illegal. Secondly, another common rationalization is called The Compliance Dodge. If a person had complied with the rules, it is obviously driven by the punishments enumerated therein. Put it another way, ethics is about the individual’s decision to do what is right. If a person has the genuine intention to do the right thing without any given sanction – it is therefore ethical. That is to say that compliance with the rules is not the same with ethics. Individuals who were using this rationalization had been finding loopholes in a set of rules to justify unethical behaviors as right. Thirdly, The Slippery Slope is an insidious fallacy. Several people believed that if a misconduct or unethical behavior had brought no harm to anybody – it could not be considered a wrongdoing. Another key thing to

Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) - Essay Example As a result of this, many corporations resolved to embark on the programs of CSR in an attempt to offset their effects on the society along with improving their corporate practices in general. Companies that decide to implement a CSR program start out by discussing the program in their codes of ethics and mission statements so that the interested parties and stockholders become aware of the program. Many companies presently have a separate CSR department that not only ensures that the company’s CSR program is noticed by the public but also manages the social programs of the company. Companies generally vary in the scope of their CSR program. A vast majority of the companies start implementing the CSR program at home by offering more health benefits and higher wages to their employees. Addressing the corporate suppliers is usually the step that follows that tends to create a constant supply chain with practices that are ethically justifiable. The advantages of having a CSR program mainly include good reputation in the market and in the eyes of the consumers, increased brand loyalty on the part of the consumers, and a competitive advantage for the companies particularly when they bid for contracts. The disadvantages of having a CSR program include incurring extra cost to do the operations that can otherwise be done in a cost-effective manner, though the latter would be more unfriendly toward the environment or the society at large. Many companies these days have a trend of adding a charitable aspect to their CSR programs. An example of this can be sponsor initiatives directed at the development of the community in the regions where coffee is produced by a company that produces and sells coffee. Likewise, a company that produces oil might take measures for the restoration of habitat in a region that has historically been used for the extraction of oil. In addition to that, many companies add this charitable aspect by donating funds to the charities of their own

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Statement of Alberto Giacometti Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statement of Alberto Giacometti - Essay Example Alberto preferred the life of the cat over the painting of the supreme Dutch painter of the seventeenth century, Rembrandt, who was an artist of intensely poetic thoughts, without a doubt with an unambiguous penchant towards the implausible, and enthusiastically involved in tribulations of design. Opting to save a cat over Rembrandt painting is not a simple decision as when art lovers imagine masterpiece painting, it is Rembrandt who first appears in mind. And the obsession they worth most is how Rembrandt depicted people, and himself in all those self-portraits, with such impending, compassion, and understanding. Giacometti was right in saving the cat over the Rembrandt paintings as he was a main actor in the Existentialist faction, but his work opposes uncomplicated classification. Several explain it as Formalist, others disagree that it is Expressionist. Still after his excommunication from the Surrealist group, while the intent of his sculpting was frequently simulation, the end products were an expression of his emotional reaction to the subject. He endeavored to produce renditions of his sculpts the approach he saw them, and the way he contemplates they should be seen. Giacometti stands in distressed necessitate of a moral ideal for the dealing of living beings and nonliving beings in society.

Have you been influenced by your family history or culture, or the Essay

Have you been influenced by your family history or culture, or the family environment you grew up in You might consider who you are as an individual, what va - Essay Example With so many people sharing a planet and so many different characteristics, ideologies, concepts, opinions, dreams, aspirations and life styles, the world should be a happy melting pot of culture and celebrated differences. Sadly, this is not the case at all. I dream of living in a world, or even a community where qualities such as acceptance, love, kindness and understanding are the centrifugal emotions and attitudes. I hope to one day see a world that is almost void of racism, war, hatred, prejudice, greed, violence and unkindness. I feel strongly that if we all made an effort to celebrate the things which make us different, we would have a much easier time forming long and lasting friendships and partnerships with others. This would ultimately lead to a peaceful and symbiotic coexistence for everyone on the planet. I feel that I am an extremely ambitious individual and capable of a myriad of tasks at once. I fell strongly that I am best suited to be an entrepreneur, and a self made one at that. I am dedicated to my education, as well as to hard work and studying in order to surpass the expectations and ideologies of my parents and grandparents before me. I look forward to building my own company from the ground up and watching it flourish through all of my hard work and dedication. I hope that in some small way, I can create a sense of happiness and acceptance among the people that I meet and work with in such a way that a spirit of kindness and individuality will seep into the lives of everyone I know and then everyone that those individuals know and so on. I am grateful for my heritage and for the most part, proud of it. I have seen racism and conflicts between ethnic groups in my life which saddens me. I believe these events have made me a stronger person as well as one who is aware of the horrors of a racist attitude. Just as an attitude of racism infects those

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Statement of Alberto Giacometti Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statement of Alberto Giacometti - Essay Example Alberto preferred the life of the cat over the painting of the supreme Dutch painter of the seventeenth century, Rembrandt, who was an artist of intensely poetic thoughts, without a doubt with an unambiguous penchant towards the implausible, and enthusiastically involved in tribulations of design. Opting to save a cat over Rembrandt painting is not a simple decision as when art lovers imagine masterpiece painting, it is Rembrandt who first appears in mind. And the obsession they worth most is how Rembrandt depicted people, and himself in all those self-portraits, with such impending, compassion, and understanding. Giacometti was right in saving the cat over the Rembrandt paintings as he was a main actor in the Existentialist faction, but his work opposes uncomplicated classification. Several explain it as Formalist, others disagree that it is Expressionist. Still after his excommunication from the Surrealist group, while the intent of his sculpting was frequently simulation, the end products were an expression of his emotional reaction to the subject. He endeavored to produce renditions of his sculpts the approach he saw them, and the way he contemplates they should be seen. Giacometti stands in distressed necessitate of a moral ideal for the dealing of living beings and nonliving beings in society.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Policy Problem Statement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Policy Problem Statement - Assignment Example Hansen (2013) asserts that the state allocates funding to older adults acre givers that any other population group. An increase in their population would increase the budgetary allocation of funds to this population group. Walshe & Ham (2011) are also of the assumption that the consumption of health services by older adults may be significantly altered by a major population growth. The author supports the argument by pointing out that, the shortage being experienced in the health workforce may have native effects to the growing population of older adults (McKenzie, Neiger & Thackeray, 2012). The number of increased older adults can be a matched to the decrease in the number of caregivers. The development of these two trends may decrease supply and increase the demand of health services (Perlino, 2006). Considering the forecasted growth by 2050, the government and health stake holders should put in place measures to limit negative effects that may be caused by the growth of the older adult

Monday, October 14, 2019

Sexuality Paper Essay Example for Free

Sexuality Paper Essay In today’s society, we as men and women are burdened with a double standard of how one’s sex life is supposed to go. We hear from our friends and family, from churches and neighbors, that sex is something you do with the person you love and trust, someone who you are going to share the rest of your life with. Sex comes with marriage, and with marriage comes a promise that you will remain with this one person â€Å"’til death do us part. † But this is no longer the case, as people all over the world are having sex way before marriage. We develop attractions to the people we see in school or in the workplace, and we date each other, and in other cases, we â€Å"hook up.† This is where sex comes in. It seems as though we may have lost that meaning of sex and intimacy and promise, and now we have developed a game. A race even- who can have sex with more people? Who is the most experienced? Who is the best? And as we all want to try and win this race, backlash is inevitable. As men increase in numbers, they increase in â€Å"manliness† and power among each other. As women increase in numbers, they decrease to â€Å"sluts and â€Å"whores† or to â€Å"easy† individuals. Where in the world did this come from? Of course, the power of man did not originate in the 21st Century. Man has been the number one sex as early as the 1600s, when scientists, doctors and religion claimed that the bodies of men and women were one. A body in this time period was â€Å"fluid,† and ever changing, and men and women were represented in a hierarchy. A male body was a perfect body to compare all others to; it was strong, full of heat and truth. A female body was one that lacked vital heat and perfection, making these bodies the inverse of a male body. Women retained, inside, the reproductive structures that are visible on the male body. Women were weaker, softer and colder and always looked down upon. They were also considered more out of control and their morals could not be trusted. A less perfect body meant a less perfect character, citizen and being. But when the 19th Century was upon us, the idea of one body changed into two bodies. However, with this change, the idea of women as a lesser sex was still in motion as scientists tried to figure out the purpose of women, along with the role they should play in society. Physical and â€Å"natural† differences in the bodies of men and women justified the roles that men and women should play. This ultimately led to the view of separate spheres, of men as superior and â€Å"normal† and women as strictly here to reproduce and provide nourishment to their children and families. With these separate roles of men and women in society came gender roles, of men being â€Å"manly† and providing for the family, staying strong and representing his family in a positive manner, while women held down the fort at home, cooking for her husband after a long day at work and caring for the children she brought into this world, raising them to be respectable people just as she and her husband were. Women were to be feminine and dainty and beautiful, polite and have self-control. Men and women were to be opposites of each other, especially in the high class, white world. With these images, the role of sex in each of the lives of men and women became very different. For men to want desire and sex, they did as they please, since they were in charge and held the power. Men did not need to limit having sex to just the woman they were married too. But for women to think this way was considered out of control and even named Nymphomania at the time. Women resorted to ways of rebellion and sexual pleasure on their own such as solitary sex and relationships with other women. And as women pursued their sexual desires and needs, they began to pursue their needs in other ways too. Women have led a long fight in society in the workplace and the political world, constantly fighting for a piece of the power that men hold so close to them. The 1900s were a turn around for women in society as they earned the right to vote, the right to work outside of the home, to live alone, unmarried without children. Women were fighting to be equal with men, to be looked at in the same way and to be treated with just as much respect. Today, we have come a long way in this process as a society; we see women in power in politics, not just in The United States, but in other countries as well, where women are Presidents and Prime Ministers. So where and when did this double standard of sex come to be in our world? Why are women still looked down upon in the subject of sexual relations? To get some answers, I created a survey, and asked some people of my generation what they thought about this double standard, and if they even think it is still around today. Through Facebook, an ever-climbing social network, I posted a survey for anyone to take, asking 10 questions. Here is the outline of my survey: Sexuality Survey This is a survey to develop an idea of the sexual connotations between men and women and the number of sex partners they have had as well as how both sexes feel about it in today’s society. The survey asks a total of 8 questions and each question should be answered as honestly as possible. This survey is completely anonymous and voluntary. You do not have to answer any questions you do not feel comfortable answering. Your input is greatly appreciated in the class of Sociology 345: Sociology of Sexuality. Please Circle: I am a:MaleFemale My age is: d Please write a short response based on your personal feelings, experiences, and opinions. You do not have to answer anything you do not feel comfortable answering. Your input is greatly appreciated! Sexuality Survey Created by Taylor Tarpey This is a survey to develop an idea of the sexual connotations between men and women and the number of sex partners they have had as well as how both sexes feel about it in today’s society. The survey asks a total of 8 questions and each question should be answered as honestly as possible. This survey is completely anonymous and voluntary. You do not have to answer any questions you do not feel comfortable answering. Your input is greatly appreciated in the class of Sociology 345: Sociology of Sexuality. Please Circle: I am a:MaleFemale My age is: d Please write a short response based on your personal feelings, experiences, and opinions. You do not have to answer anything you do not feel comfortable answering. Your input is greatly appreciated! 1. Have you ever altered the number of sex partners you have had to avoid being judged? Why or why not? 2. How does it make you feel to hear that men in society today are perceived as â€Å"better† or â€Å"manly† or â€Å"pimps† if they have a high number of sex partners, and that women are perceived as â€Å"sluts† or â€Å"whores† or â€Å"easy† if they have a high number of sex partners? 3. How do you protect yourself from these connotations? 4. In your opinion, what does the number of sex partners a man or a woman has mean to you? To society? 5. In your opinion, do you think a man/woman who has had more sex partners than you is considered more experienced? Why or why not? 6. In your opinion, do you think a man/woman who has had more sex partners than you is considered less pure? Why or why not? 7. Have you ever been with a man/woman sexually and considered how this might change their social status? How it might change yours? Why or why not? 8. In your opinion, do you think the opinions of others about this sexual connotation that comes with men and women having a certain amount of sex partners, is changing in today’s society? Why or why not? 1. In your opinion, do you think a man/woman who has had more sex partners than you is considered less pure? Why or why not? 2. Have you ever been with a man/woman sexually and considered how this might change their social status? How it might change yours? Why or why not? 3. In your opinion, do you think the opinions of others about this sexual connotation that comes with men and women having a certain amount of sex partners, is changing in today’s society? Why or why not? 4. 9. Have you ever altered the number of sex partners you have had to avoid being judged? Why or why not? 10. How does it make you feel to hear that men in society today are perceived as â€Å"better† or â€Å"manly† or â€Å"pimps† if they have a high number of sex partners, and that women are perceived as â€Å"sluts† or â€Å"whores† or â€Å"easy† if they have a high number of sex partners? 11. How do you protect yourself from these connotations? 12. In your opinion, what does the number of sex partners a man or a woman has mean to you? To society? 13. In your opinion, do you think a man/woman who has had more sex partners than you is considered more experienced? Why or why not? 14. In your opinion, do you think a man/woman who has had more sex partners than you is considered less pure? Why or why not? 15. Have you ever been with a man/woman sexually and considered how this might change their social status? How it might change yours? Why or why not? 16. In your opinion, do you think the opinions of others about this sexual connotation that comes with men and women having a certain amount of sex partners, is changing in today’s society? Why or why not? 5. In your opinion, do you think a man/woman who has had more sex partners than you is considered less pure? Why or why not? 6. Have you ever been with a man/woman sexually and considered how this might change their social status? How it might change yours? Why or why not? 7. In your opinion, do you think the opinions of others about this sexual connotation that comes with men and women having a certain amount of sex partners, is changing in today’s society? Why or why not? 8. I developed these questions to try and answer many questions of my own. I am very curious to see what people have to say about this double standard and these connotations created by society, and I want to know where this judgment of having too many sexual partners comes from and how both men and women deal with it. I also want to know if people think this double standard has changed as we have advanced socially in our world, and if people really question the society they live in. To start, I received 29 total participants, with 27 who fully finished the survey. Since the survey was optional, I will use all of the data I have received. 20 of my responses were from females, although two of them only answered the first two questions, their age and sex, and 9 responses were male. More than half of these responses were 18-19 years old, five were 21 years old, and I had one of each of the following: a response from a 20 year old, a 42 year old, a 47 year old, and a 53 year old. I was surprised to see results from people well out of my generation, but thankful for these as they provided very different insight into this topic. In the first question, 22 participants answered no, they have not changed the number of sexual partners they have had for various reasons such as being content or not ashamed with the information, or they do not care what others think or that they should not be judged or given approval by others. I also had some answers such as, â€Å"it is a small number,† â€Å"I only tell those close to me,† and â€Å"I am not a whore.† On the other hand, I received six responses saying yes, simply for the reasons of embarrassment and not wanting to be judged. One answer was hard to place, for their response said they did not change this number, but it was only one person and they sometimes deny it. These answers left me with the observation that generally people are confident with their sexual choices and feel that they do not deserved to be judged, so they do not let it effect them. Others are afraid of embarrassment and shame. So why do they feel this way? My next question asked about the double standard of men and women, and the connotations related to it. I was interested in learning what participants thought of this negative standard in society. I received a large variety of responses, such as many displaying disgust and unfairness or anger and sadness, misjudgment and discrimination, even indifference and annoyance. Many gave similar answers in saying that men should not be glorified or in control, or that they should be â€Å"scolded† the way women are, or that there should be no standard at all and everyone should be looked at through the same eyes. Many participants questioned this double standard and the equality between men and women in society, even giving answers such as men and women have created this double standard themselves, and genders perceive their own gender in ways that they deem themselves hurtful or shameful, and also mentioned that society needs to be more informed. Others said this double standard was outdated, and that people â€Å"know what they want,† and that â€Å"sex is normal† and â€Å"we make our own decisions,† as well as, â€Å"we live in a Patriarchal society.† Others, such as that last response, accepted the double standard, saying they were raised to believe this, or it is just a part of evolution and Darwinism, and that we should all just stop taking such hard offense, even that this standard will never change. Many of these responses had me wishing that people questioned society more. Why don’t we ask ourselves and others why we feel the way we do? If so many of us are against this double standard, than what is keeping it alive? And while it is alive, how are we protecting ourselves from it? That is the question I gave next, and I received three similar types of responses. The first seemed to be a string of advice, or things one should not do, such as do not care, do not judge, do not hook up, do not get involved with bad people, do not share this information, do not be bias, do not be a slut. The second type is advice saying that we should only share important information with those close to us, like family and friends, or specifically only those we are intimate with and care about, people we trust. The third type is that we should stand up to others, for others, and for ourselves, that we should question society for these connotations, and that we should break down these images society has placed on right and wrong. It looks as though some people are thinking critically here, questioning society and proposing we fight it, while others are creating more standards for society, such as those things we should not do. If we are so against society’s standards in the first place, why create more? My next question was more personal, asking what a person’s number of sex partners means to them, and to society. Many people said this represents how a person feels about themselves in a general sense or the standards they set for themselves, with things like insecurities or shyness, sexiness or promiscuity, even being easy, all come with having more sex partners. Many said the amount of sexual partners a person has depends on what they consider intimate, and whether or not emotion and intimacy has a â€Å"deep resonance within the individual,† or that we do not take sex seriously like we used to in the past. Some brought up the double standard introduced in the beginning of the survey, saying that more sex partners for a man meant praise and a woman was considered a whore. To society, participants talked about sex partners being a level of â€Å"coolness† or experience, how responsible we are and how well we are able to make decisions, as well as the fact that having a large number of sex partners is often represented in the media on TV and in magazines. I even received some responses that a high number of sexual partners shows how many times a person was under the influence. With these responses, it is evident that the number of sex partners a man or a woman has means a lot, to us and to society. Only once did I receive the answer of â€Å"nothing.† It seems as though sex and the number of partners we accumulate determines who we are and what kind of values we hold, yet sex is seems to have lost its true meaning of intimacy, closeness and love. My next question asked if a higher number of sex partners held by a male or female meant they had more experience. This question was a little vague, as people may define experience differently, but I was interested in seeing how we interpret experience, and how it relates to sex. Most of my responses said yes, these two factors are correlated, that more sexual partners equals more experience, simply for the reason that they have been with many different people, experiencing different things. But others argued against this, saying that â€Å"experience is not quantity, but quality,† many gave examples such as having only few sex partners for long periods of time, and being able to intimately get to know their partner, to â€Å"explore the body and it’s wants, needs, likes and dislikes,† is considered more experience compared to someone who has slept with many people just one time. As I stated earlier, participants agreed that experience means different things to different people, and I was interested in seeing how they interpreted this question. It is similar to my next question, which asks if participants considered having more sexual partners to be less pure. Most participants said no, that a number does not determine purity and that we never know the full circumstances of another individual. Some interpreted this in a religious way, indicating that purity was related to God. I had some answers that God forgives anyone and does not see anyone any less if they have more partners, as well as purity is disgraced with any form of premarital sexual activities, and since many of us partake in them, they do not matter. Of the responses I received that said yes, more sexual partners means one is less pure, said purity depends on age, and that being pure is ultimately remaining abstinent, or even that purity is related to cleanliness. One said we are more prone to sexually transmitted infections with more partners, and that if one is less pure, they are unclean. I was especially eager to read responses to this question because again, I was wondering how participants perceived the word pure. Very few interpreted this as a form of cleanliness, and many related it to religion and God. But many people said no, that purity and the number of sexual partners a person has are not related. I then asked if anyone had ever considered how being with another in a sexual way would change their social status, or that of their partner. The majority answered no, that they had never considered this before, some for the reason that they have never experienced this, or it was not considered at the time. Others responded by saying that social status does not matter during sex, only love and care for the other person is considered, or that they were not concerned with what other people thought. Of the few who answered yes, I was given many responses related more to how one would think of himself or herself after, not of the other person. Two responses I received were worried about how they would be looked at because of the status of the other person, specifically because of age and reputation of their partner, even race. This question has me questioning society. Are we really equal? Participants generally said that social status does not mean anything, yet we have socially segregated the sexual actions of men and women, creating a negative social status for women in the world of sex, while men rise above them. We argue that this double standard is wrong, yet we do not consider the differences we create, setting standards without even realizing we are doing so. My final question was directed at the idea of this double standard changing in society, and if anyone thought the opinions of others regarding to the negative connotations connected with men and women were changing. The majority of my responses were yes, that this double standard is changing, but for many reasons and in different ways. The main change observed in the responses given was that the outlook on women in society is changing. Women are becoming more independent, free and open, in society and the workplace, and it is now more acceptable for them to have more sex partners. The power is becoming more evenly distributed and it is not as much of a big deal as it used to be. Other responses were more general, saying no one cares anymore; we are becoming more lenient as a society, and specifically younger generations are not as concerned with their reputations as older generations are or once were. I also received some responses stating that society is changing it’s opinions for the worse, that this double standard is getting worse, or people are â€Å"getting pregnant too young.† Participants who said no, this double standard is not changing in the minds of society, said that people still talk of the number of sex partners, that we hear it on TV and in the media, and we discuss is with family and friends, or that the double standard â€Å"still stands for the most part.† With these responses, it looks like people see a change in this double standard, that as a society, we seem to be moving away from it and into equality. So why do we let the number of sexual partners still define us? Why are we still making judgments towards individuals, setting a standard for right and wrong in society, if we say that this double standard is decreasing as a whole? We could ask an endless amount of questions and analyze the thoughts and feelings of every individual in the world, and almost always get different answers. As a whole, I think we, as a society, need to stand up and speak out against the issues we perceive as wrong, and question the standards that we have set for ourselves, and society. We should question why we stand for something, or why we are against or for another, because it seems to me that we disagree with the negative connotations linked with sexuality and sexual activities, yet we enforce them in our own, as we create judgments and standards for what is right and wrong. It is true, that women are rising in society to be more equal with men- we have proof of that. Men and women are slowly becoming more equal in every way compared to what they once were so long ago, but are we becoming equal in the world of sex?

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Successful Enterprises as Means for Economic Growth

Successful Enterprises as Means for Economic Growth Comparative Study of Polish Regions Podkarpacie and Dolnoslaskie Research Question How can unsuccessful entrepreneurship of a region affect the economic growth of two Polish regions, Podkarpackie and Dolnoslaskie? State of the Art The aim of this research project is to find out how unsuccessful entrepreneurship of a region affects the economic growth of Polish provinces. In Polish language the word province is used interchangeably with the word region. In this proposal the word region refers to administrative unit, an entity of governance within a state (Van Langenhove, 2013). Poland is divided to 16 regions, some of which, for example the regions forming the Eastern wall are not as well of as the central region Mazowieckie, in which Warsaw, the capital is situated, or the other regions at the western border of Poland, such as Dolnoslaskie. According to analysis of Statistical Center in Rzeszow (2009), the synthetic measure defining the level of economic development of territorial governance units (regions) is gross domestic product per capita. The Raport Poland 2011 published by the Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) in Poland (2011) presents results gathered by Central Statistical Office (Glowny Urzad Statystyczny, GUS) which show that the real growth of Polish economy between years 2000 and 2010 was as large as 46 percent, making it one of the fastest growing economies in the European Union (MRD, 2011). However, the inequalities between the wealthiest and the poorest region have deepened as well. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the most active region was at the beginning of year 2000 more than 9 times higher than in the weakest region. After ten years this disparity grew up until almost 11 times higher (MRD, 2011). The disparities in GDP per capita, on the other hand were in year 2000, two times higher in the wealthiest region than in the poorest region and grew up to two and a half times higher by the year 2010 (MRD, 2011). Shares of individual provinces in GDP in 2012 varied significantly from 2.1% in Opole region to 22.7% in the region Mazowieckie (in 2011, from 2.1% to 22.4% in the same regions)(GUS, 2014). Studies of Statistical Centre in Rzeszow (2009) show that regional GDP and the amount of income attributable to the disposal of per capita situatePodkarpackie region on one of the last positions in the European Union, except for Bulgarian and Romanian regions. The regional GDP per capita in 2012 was at the level of 27 719 zÅ‚ in the province of Podkarpackie (67.0% of the average country) to 68299 zÅ‚ in Mazowieckie (165.0% of the national average) (GUS, 2014). These studies provide quantitative evidence on disparities in economic growth between Polish regions, however they are missing the reasons for these gaps in regional economic growth. According to measures by GUS (2014) Mazowieckie is clearly the wealthiest and most attractive region in terms of living, working or investing, thus the disparities in economic growth between this region and the regions in the East of Poland are much higher. Witold Czudec (2013) from Portal for Innovative Trasfre of Knowledge in Science (PITWIN) has conducted a comparative study of competiveness of regions of Eastern Poland and the central region Mazowieckie. However, Mazowickie is the region pulling most of the investors as well as wealthy residents which may be a cause of research bias. In order to avoid the bias in this study Mazowieckie is left out. Instead, the two regions that will be compared in this research are the region Podkarpackie, situated at the south-eastern border of the country and the region Dolnoslaskie, at the western border of Poland (see map). The GDP per capita of region Podkarpackie in years 2008-2010 amounted in approximately 24070PLN, which is equivalent to 5775 euros and GDP per capita, in the same period of time of region Dolnoslaskie was approximately 38708PLN, which is equivalent to 9318 euros (GUS, 2012). The regional economic development, can be defined as quantitative and structural development entities engaged in the economic activity of the region, which should be identified by the improvement and introduction of new products and services, expanding markets, upgrading of technology, investing , increasing employment and production efficiency , and the strengthening of the company’s financial actions (Sztando, 2000). According to Andrzej Sztando’s thoughts the area of economic growth is therefore based on individual entities and manifests itself in achieving a high level of efficiency and its constant increasing over time. While each company is an entity extracted from the environment in terms of legal, organizational and economic activities. However, isolation of an entity does not mean gaining independence from its surroundings. The survival and development of the individual entity depends on existing external conditions and those that will occur in the future. In t urn, by increasing the efficiency of individual companies, sectors, cities and regions, increase their efficiency and consequently the efficiency of the whole country (Sztando, 2000). Basing on the thoughts of Sztando, it has been concluded that at least one of the reasons for fast economic growth within a region is successful entrepreneurship. However, Sztando does not present concrete examples, for example by involving regional data in his study. Therefore this research will be concentrated on impact of entrepreneurship on regions, by focusing on two Polish regions as concrete examples. In the era of globalization, regionalization and departing from classical approach of degrading the role of industrial policy in favor of regional policy, the importance of research on entrepreneurship in regions and cities increases. Increasing number of research institutes and academic centers dealing with regional development is a proof of interest in this field. Studies conducted by them focus primarily on those aspects of the development of entrepreneurship (competitiveness, accumulation of wealth which is seen as indicator of economic development), which are stimulated by appropriate regulation of regional policy and socio-economic policy of the country, for example, tax policy, regulation of labour code, etc. (Platonoff et al., 2001). A research project conducted at University of Szczecin (Platonoff et al., 2001) analyzes and evaluates the economy of the city Szczecin and looks at the condition of entrepreneurial entities in the city and their impact on city’s economy. The study and its results are attention-grabbing and give a great insight to the economy of Szczecin and impact of entrepreneurship, however it is focused only on one city in the West of Poland. Thus basing on this research, it is interesting to conduct a similar kind of study in regions with one of the slowest growing economies in Poland, Podkarpackie region, and in one with fastest growing economy (right after Mazowieckie), which is Dolnoslaskie, in order to find out how unsuccessful entrepreneurship of a region affects the economic growth of Polish provinces. Objectives The current situation of Poland is quite difficult. On the one hand, the businesses are not liquid enough, they do not expand and go bankrupt more often. On the other hand, the Polish government does not have sufficient financial resources to cover basic needs for health, education, construction roads, etc. and many others. Businesses pay attention to too high taxes, and officials are looking for ways to enlarge their meet increasing social needs (Platanoff et al, 2001). Moreover, it has been observed that in bad times weak regions become worse. Weak regions do not have any mechanisms for immunizing: they are not competitive, they are not productive, they do not operate on a global market , they have diversified economy that would facilitate a soft landing (Maciejewicz, 2013). This perpetuates the division between the less prosperous Poland B, covering the eastern regions of the country and better developed Poland A, with the western and central regions. The latest GUS findings show that the gap between Poland A and Poland B deepened , even though the weaker regions received a remarkable sum of EU funds worth millions of Euros in order to help them to mobilize the regional operational programs . The per capita payments to the eastern provinces in 2007-2012 were significantly higher than those of Western . In addition, five provinces of the eastern wall had to use an additional pool of 2.4 billion euro allocated for the equal opportunities of developm ent (Tomaszkiewicz Kowalski, 2014). Regions of Eastern Wall of Poland are in the circle of slow economic development and one of the main reasons for that is inhibiting the development of entrepreneurship. For example, low income and high costs result in no or a low gross profit, and this in turn, lead to lack or low amount of money obtainable from taxes. Low budget revenues from taxes impede the development of infrastructure which would support entrepreneurship within the regions (for example: highways, health, education , promotion of the region in the world and other procedures established by the local and national authorities ). This leads to decreasing profits of individual companies which in turn restrain their development (lack of sufficient funds for investment, training staff, finding new customers, research and marketing , etc.), resulting in lower quality of the offered products or services and a decrease in their domestic and international competitiveness. In addition, low salaries of employees reduce their purchasing power by limiting the demand. Consequently, the reduction in the number of transactions has a negative effect on the revenues of companies causing depletion of other actors in the economic chain. This results in low competitiveness, thus slow economic growth of a region (Platonoff et al, 2001). Composition of Economy of Podkarpacie The gross value added (GVA) in Podkarpacie is composed of following shares: trade (29.46 %), followed by industry (27.02 %) and services (25.8 %). Construction (8.28 %) is also of a great importance in the economy of the region , which is traditionally considered one of the major sectors of the economy of the region. Slightly more than 7 % of GVA generates financial and insurance activities . Agriculture, forestry , hunting and fishing occupy the last place among the sections that shapes the GVA of Podkarpacie (Marshal Office of Podkarpacie (MOP), 2011). In the region of Podkarpacie at the end of 2012, there were just over 155 thousand registered entrepreneurial entities (including more than 148 thousand in the privte sector) , which accounted for 3.9 % of entities registered in the whole country. In spite of being close to reaching the national average of small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs) in the total number of enterprises , the companies of the Podkarpackie region absorb a much smaller share of labour force than any other Polish regions. While in Poland this percentage is 50 % it is only 40 % in Podkarpackie. In the case of micro-enterprises , this percentage is only 37 %. These proportions indicate the weakness of the SME sector in the region (MOP, 2011). Composition of Economy in Dolnoslaskie The GVA of Dolnoslaskie is generated mainly by the service sector (60%) , including 45.7% of market services, this is followed by industry (32%), and agriculture (2.2%) (GUS, 2014) . In the region of Dolnoslaskie in 2008, the average employment in the enterprise sector amounted up to 418.8 thousand people, and was higher than in the corresponding period of the previous year by 6.4%. At the same time, in terms of national employment in the enterprise sector increased by 4.8 percent. According to the data from the Central Statistical Office in 2008, on average 89,7% of labour force involved in enterprise sector was employed by the private sector in Dolnoslaskie. Employment in the private sector increased by 7.4 percent compared to the previous year (amounting to 375.6 thousand . Persons), public sector employment fell by 1.4 percent (amounting to 43.2 thousand persons). Average number of employees compared to the previous year increased by 5 percent (GUS, 2008). The Main Objectives of the Project The cognitive goal of the project is to: Make the diagnosis of effectiveness of management processes in business entities in context of their entrepreneurial potential in Podkarpackie and Dolnoslaskie. Develop proposals for rationalization of these processes and consequently, to stimulate the entrepreneurship in Podkarpackie. The scientific goal of the project is to: Develop model assumptions in order rationalize the management process in business entities Finally, the practical goals of the project are mainly to: Prepare reliable information on the economic condition of Podkarpackie and Dolnoslaskie on micro and macro scale Shape effective policy instruments and strategies for the support of regional business entities (mainly in Polkarpackie) Methodology: Possibilities for the development of entrepreneurship, and thus sources of wealth of region’s economy, should not only be looked at in macroeconomic parameters (cost of labour, the level of interest rates, the value of the national currency, etc.), but also in regional settings (resourceful and effective use of different opportunities, predisposition for progress and collaboration between different actors) and microeconomic parameters (differences in management of companies) (Platonoff et al, 2001). The starting point for establishment of a regional development program is to understand the economic potential rooted in economic operators and analyzing the main problems that hinder their functioning and growth. The potential of entrepreneurship lies in the individual business entities. First, a researching team has to be recruited. The research team will be composed of academic staff and students from two major universities in studied regions, Rzeszow University in Podkarpackie and University of Wroclaw in Dolnoslaskie. In the first phase of the research a representative sample of entrepreneurial entities in the region has to be collected, since studying the whole population entails high costs related to large amount of staff members and a long period of time in order to collect the data. Since the whole population is not studied, a proper sample size needs to be decided upon in order to assure a representative sample. 1550 enterprises from Podkarpackie region and 4188 enterprises from Dolnoslaskie region are to be selected, representing 1% of the entire population of each of the regions. By random selection of the sample it is meant that in the collection process each unit has the same probability of getting into the sample. After conducting randomized sampling, the business entities must be divided into categories by sizes of enterprises, that is micro, small, medium and large sized enterprises, as well as, into and profile of activity (construction, trade, manufacturing, agriculture and services) Bibliography Beata Tomaszkiewicz, Janusz K. Kowalski (2014) Bogate region uciekaja biednym, Forsal, Retrieved on 30.3.2014 from: Macjejewicz, P. (2013), PogÅ‚Äâ„ ¢biajƦ siÄâ„ ¢ rà ³Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¼nice pomiÄâ„ ¢dzy najbogatszym a najbiedniejszym regionem w Polsce, Gazeta Wyborcza. 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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Malpractice Issues Essay -- Medicine

â€Å"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion†. Abraham Lincoln once said this and he said this in the sense that everyone is vulnerable to doing wrong by accident or on purpose. Doctor is considered as great people who are able to use their skills to care for patients; nonetheless, they can deviate from the good and become bad as well. In response to this malpractice, laws are there to protect patients from being harmed by the practice of a doctor. Giving the advantage of suing the doctor for malpractice creates a functioning barrier that affects the performance of a doctor. Malpractice laws create fear in the physician that it hinders them from performing in their maximum capacity. Although malpractice laws exist to protect the patient and perfect the medical practice of a doctor, it leads the doctors to practice defensive medicine. Malpractice laws are important for the protection of a patient. It is essential that these laws exist so that doctors are very cautious in their practice. Every day we hear many stories about doctors being sued for malpractice. Malpractice is â€Å"bad practice† performed by the doctor, which in some way or another, harms the patient. Malpractice is also known as negligence, which is when a doctor or health professional makes a mistake in their practice that, could have been prevented and this harms the patient who is receiving the care (Kieserman). In order for a malpractice to occur, there are five factors involved. First, an accident occurs due to the neglect of a doctor. Secondly, the incident was avoidable, but due to carelessness, it was not prevented. Thirdly, the physician violated their duty of care. For example, in a case where the patient was feeling sick,... ...ine 25.5 (2010): 470-473. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Apr. 2012. Kieserman, Robert. Class Lecture. Intro to Health Services. Arcadia University, Glenside, PA. 07- Feb. Manner, Paul A. "Practicing Defensive Medicine-Not Good for Patients or Physicians." Practicing Defensive Medicine - Not Good for Patients or Physicians. American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons, Jan.-Feb. 2007. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. . Studdert DM, Mello MM, Sage WM, et al. Defensive medicine among high risk specialist Physicians in a volatile malpractice environment. JAMA. 2005;293(21):2609-2617. The National Bureau of Economic Research. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. . Watts, Geoff. "Bad Medicine." New Scientist 184.2470 (2004): 38-41. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Apr. 2012.

Friday, October 11, 2019

IOS 7 vs. IOS 6

IOS 7 vs. IOS 6 When Apple announced it's new OS back in March, many people were very excited at a change to the old IOS 6. As beta testing for the OS began and bugs began to intoxicate the new OS many consumers were left wondering if the need to switch at the final release was the best move and if so, what were the advantages or changes to the new OS. IOS 7 has changed many of the features of IOS 6, but many of the core elements of IOS 6 are ever-present.The First and most noticeable difference in IOS 7 is its new color scheme and lock screen. IOS 6 had a round design and color scheme that was reminiscent of factory gears, and its lock screen was a simple picture with a slider at the bottom. But in the new OS, the color scheme is neon and bright colors, flat design in the sense that none of the home screen apps seem 3d, but also the lock screen is a full screen picture with the date, time, and also a slide to unlock slider.Those few improvements o the overall OS were nice, but the s lide to unlock from the original OS 6 was still there and so were the large digital clock at the top. Another difference is the addition of Control Center. Control Center is a slider at the bottom of the screen that you slide up to use specific features of IOS 7, that in the older OS 6 you would have had to go to the settings menu. The features of Control Center include a slider for brightness, Wi-Fi control, Bluetooth control, and also one of IOS 7's new features, Airdrop.Once again, the new features are great, even though many of the uses of them were in IOS 6. All in all IOS 7 is a step forward in features and still stays true to its predecessor. The new color scheme and lock screen got a complete overhaul, while keeping the same features and core elements of OS 6. Also the addition of Control Center now uses the toggles that could have been found in the settings menu of 10s 6. So once again, apple has made a step up in its Operating System while still staying true to its predece asing one.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ted Talk Analysis

Patricia Ryan talked about her experience in living and teaching english for over 30 years in the gulf where she has seen vast cultural and linguistic change. This strategy helped her build her credibility with the audiences. The topic of her speech at Ted was â€Å"Don’t Insist on English! †. She addressed the question: Is the world’s focus on English preventing the spread of great ideas in other languages? The primary audience to her speech was English teachers. Patricia Ryan has the same background that helps the primary audience to relate to her.There were many questions in her speech that trigger the audience to think, it created audience interaction in he speech. Although answers were not expected from the audiences, Patricia Ryan gradually reveals the solutions to the issues in a very well organized fashion throughout her speech. She opened her speech with a little bit of humours related to the topic, this helped the audience to loosen up a bit and ready t o accept what she was trying to deliver while making her a likeable person to them.She delivered a very persuasive speech with an indirect approach. First she revealed a prediction of how number of languages in the world will decrease overtime through globalization of English. She then supproted this claim with statistics. Throughout the speech Patricia Ryan told various kinds of facts that relates to the topic. Stories of actual events was her way of slowly persuading the audiences and selling her ideas. Since indirect approach is harder to follow and harder to understand, Patricia Ryan had all her facts and stories well organized.Every one of her facts and stories had a purpose of delivering her next point in her speech. Patricia Ryan’s communication style was ‘sell’. She was trying to sell an alternative ways of doing things. She persuade the audience through her credibility as a very experienced English teacher while staying modest throughout her speech. Her tone was very confident , persuasive, and sometime humourous. She tried to communicate with pictures sometimes funny pictures to attract audiences’ attention.Her languange use was very clear and slow yet you can hear power in her speech. She used various natural body language. We find that Patricia Ryan’s speech was delivered in a very well organized manner and very persuasive. She was well qualified to deliver the speech with her vast experience in English teaching industry. With her credibility, the audiences who were mostly English teachers were easily relate and persuaded to her ideas. Supported by tatistics and facts while a little bit stories here and there helped her to further persuade the audience into her cause. These statistics and facts acted as her supporting arguments to her main idea. Indirect approach in this case was used successfully as in her way of delivering her ideas she showed many of those arguments and proofs to support her main idea at the con clusion of her speech. Her closing was emotional and interacted with the audiences’ spirit. Inviting them to her cause in a very persuasive and energetic way. Ted Talk Analysis Patricia Ryan talked about her experience in living and teaching english for over 30 years in the gulf where she has seen vast cultural and linguistic change. This strategy helped her build her credibility with the audiences. The topic of her speech at Ted was â€Å"Don’t Insist on English! †. She addressed the question: Is the world’s focus on English preventing the spread of great ideas in other languages? The primary audience to her speech was English teachers. Patricia Ryan has the same background that helps the primary audience to relate to her.There were many questions in her speech that trigger the audience to think, it created audience interaction in he speech. Although answers were not expected from the audiences, Patricia Ryan gradually reveals the solutions to the issues in a very well organized fashion throughout her speech. She opened her speech with a little bit of humours related to the topic, this helped the audience to loosen up a bit and ready t o accept what she was trying to deliver while making her a likeable person to them.She delivered a very persuasive speech with an indirect approach. First she revealed a prediction of how number of languages in the world will decrease overtime through globalization of English. She then supproted this claim with statistics. Throughout the speech Patricia Ryan told various kinds of facts that relates to the topic. Stories of actual events was her way of slowly persuading the audiences and selling her ideas. Since indirect approach is harder to follow and harder to understand, Patricia Ryan had all her facts and stories well organized.Every one of her facts and stories had a purpose of delivering her next point in her speech. Patricia Ryan’s communication style was ‘sell’. She was trying to sell an alternative ways of doing things. She persuade the audience through her credibility as a very experienced English teacher while staying modest throughout her speech. Her tone was very confident , persuasive, and sometime humourous. She tried to communicate with pictures sometimes funny pictures to attract audiences’ attention.Her languange use was very clear and slow yet you can hear power in her speech. She used various natural body language. We find that Patricia Ryan’s speech was delivered in a very well organized manner and very persuasive. She was well qualified to deliver the speech with her vast experience in English teaching industry. With her credibility, the audiences who were mostly English teachers were easily relate and persuaded to her ideas. Supported by tatistics and facts while a little bit stories here and there helped her to further persuade the audience into her cause. These statistics and facts acted as her supporting arguments to her main idea. Indirect approach in this case was used successfully as in her way of delivering her ideas she showed many of those arguments and proofs to support her main idea at the con clusion of her speech. Her closing was emotional and interacted with the audiences’ spirit. Inviting them to her cause in a very persuasive and energetic way.