Saturday, October 19, 2019

LEGAL ISSUES FOR MANAGERS - Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LEGAL ISSUES FOR MANAGERS - Ethics - Assignment Example The manager also would be exercising breach of code as stated in clause 4 relating to the company’s competition and fair dealing As relates to Beal’s concerns, the parties involved are; the manager of the accounting department who is aware of the discrepancies in the accounts created in the accounting department and those presented to the board of directors. A few of the accountants are spending the company’s property and working time in running of their own businesses. The manager is aware that someone is responsible for breaching clause 6 of the code. Furthermore, such records amounts up to $100million fraud through overvaluing of assets could most likely lead to harsh disciplinary action like loss of employment or even criminal prosecution. The accountants on the other hand, are not only using the company’s time to conduct their own private businesses; but they also using the company’s assets as well. The accounts are in breach of almost all sub-clauses of clause 5. For instance, they use their business time for their own private work. In addition, as relates to clause 3, the ac countants are engaged in using the company’s computers. The Japanese company, which a major supplier extending an invitation to Linda Plant, the RH purchaser and her husband for a two-day trip to Sydney and Rolling stone’s band concert in Australia. This would mean a breach of sub-clause 5.3 of the conflict of interest clause. That is, Linda Plant as a purchaser was not to be involved in any form of acceptance (recipient) of gifts from a supplier; which would act towards the interests of the Japanese company benefiting; if Linda would be involved direct or indirectly in the purchase. In addition, any money or services extended to an employee, family member or to any company RH is involved in a transaction with is not

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